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When it comes to our general health, overeating is one of the most common ways that we can pile on the pounds without noticing... Overeating? Here’s Why It’s Not Your Fault

When it comes to our general health, overeating is one of the most common ways that we can pile on the pounds without noticing and yet often, we might not even realize what it is that we’re doing. Eating too much is more common than you might have thought and in many cases, it is something that we don’t want to do. Often, the causes of overeating are connected to things that lie deeper inside us and by addressing our emotional issues, we might be able to make our lives a whole lot more easy. Want to cut down on the calories? It’s time to look at the root of the problem.

  1. Feelings Of Sadness


When something goes wrong, our first instinct might be to call a friend or take some time alone but for many others, bad news is dealt with by eating food. Junk food can be a great immediate comfort to feelings of sadness and shame but when the initial shock wears off, we could be left feeling all the worse for it. Eating food might make you feel happier in the short term, but it could be worth asking yourself how it’s bettering the situation.

  1. Bouts Of Boredom


Feeling bored is an issue of the digital era. With so much stimulation at our fingertips, we often require more and more entertainment in order to feel fully satisfied and over time, our boredom can begin to seep out into other areas of life. Eating because you have nothing else to do is surprisingly common, affecting a great deal of people. If you feel inertia setting in, however, try getting outside or changing your environment first. Often a change of place can alter our mood and help us to avoid following bad habits.

  1. Surges Of Stress


In this day and age, it’s often hard not to feel stressed and wiped out and for many of us, bouts of anxiety can only be alleviated through food. When our stress levels rise, so too do our levels of cortisol. The higher the level of cortisol, the more that our body is likely to crave sugary snacks. When stress sets in, working out or getting fresh air can really help; moving your body will help to work off your cravings and make it easier to work through the issue.