Body Hacks

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All work leads to no play. If you’re working hard everyday, it can be increasingly difficult to find the time in which to relax.... Busy Working Day? Learn How To Relax While You Work

All work leads to no play. If you’re working hard everyday, it can be increasingly difficult to find the time in which to relax. If you lack the time after work to really kick back, it might be worth changing your approach. Following these daily rituals can help you to lead a much more zen existence. Even if you have a stack of things to do, you can get your work done with a smile on your face and a spring in your step; what could be better than that?

  1. Have A Cup Of Green Tea


If all of that coffee has got you fired up, try changing your drink of choice. Consuming green tea throughout the day can give you just as powerful a shot of caffeine without all of the jittery side effects. As well as smelling pleasant, the tea is packed full of L-Theanine, an element that has been proven to reduce feelings of anger. Every time you feel those stress levels rising, try brewing yourself a cup; you don’t know how much better you will feel.

  1. Chew Some Gum


As well as helping to freshen your breath throughout the day, chewing gum can also diminish feelings of anxiety and stress. The act of chewing gum helps to ease feelings of anxiety by lowering your cortisol levels. The less of the hormone that you have in your system, the less stressed that you will feel!

  1. Get A Stress Ball


While you might associate stress balls with all things novelty, they can actually do some serious good to your well being. Squeezing out your tension can help to progressively relax your body and the muscles that you might have been clenching. Using a stress ball alongside a meditation routine can really help you to diminish your feelings of tension, helping you to get through any sort of problem.

  1. Get Out and About


Sometimes, a change of scenery is the only thing that can make you feel better. If your office is making you feel stressed, going for a brisk walk is a great way to work through your problems and change your way of thinking. A natural environment can make it easier to break down your problem and will give you the space in which to do a little light reflection.

  1. Organize Your Desk


Is your working space built up with clutter? It could be having a negative effect on your state of mind. If stress is simply becoming too much, try focusing your attention onto the area in which you’re working. Organizing your clutter can help you to reorganize your mind, giving you a positive boost. The clearer your desk space is, the more productive that you can feel!

6. Count Backwards



Feeling that stress mounting up? Relaxation could be as simple as counting backwards in your head. When your worries are getting the better of you, slowly counting backwards from 10 and then up again can help your mind to compartmentalize the issue and refocus on the bigger picture. It might not seem like much, but focusing on the number pattern can help to unblock your thinking process and make it easier to come to a solution even faster!