Body Hacks

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Overeating. It’s something that we all do from time to time and something that we all vow that we will cut out of our... Overeating: How To Nip Your Habit In The Bud

Overeating. It’s something that we all do from time to time and something that we all vow that we will cut out of our lives. If you’re trying to lose weight, your overeating habit could be seriously halting your progress and if you let it build up too much, eating above your share can have serious ramifications for your health and your happiness. If you’re struggling with your relationship to food, it could be time to take a longer look at what the issue might be. By changing up a few daily habits and thinking about the process in a different way, you can get rid of the problem and feel healthier in your skin.

  1. Start Your Day With Breakfast


When it comes to eating advice, you can’t get much more cliched than this one, but there’s a good reason why it has stuck around for so long. When you skip breakfast, you’re much more likely to feel irritable, tired, distracted and hungry throughout the morning. Despite your best efforts, skipping the meal can actually lead you to make far less healthy eating choices throughout the day in order to get a quick burst of energy. Studies have shown time and again that if you start the day with a healthy breakfast, you will be much more likely to avoid unhealthy treats and focus fully on your work. Eating more can actually lead you to eat less.

  1. Drink More Water


Our bodies can often mistake feelings of thirst as hunger pangs and often, we eat when we really need to drink. If you’re suddenly tempted to reach for a bag of chips, try taking a sip of water before you do so and waiting a few extra minutes. Keeping a bottle of water with you at all times can be a great way of getting around this issue and ensuring that you stay well hydrated throughout the day!

  1. Stop The Snacks


Even after you’ve even a full meal in the evening, you might continue to snack well into the night and doing so on a regular basis can cause the weight to really pile up. Mindless eating is one of the biggest culprits for weight gain; consuming foods in front of the television means that you are often unaware of just how much you’re really eating and by the time you’ve finished for the evening, you could have eaten a great deal more than you originally planned. To avoid this habit, try setting yourself a cut off point in the evening. Stopping your eating from between 7 and 8pm can give your body the chance to digest your meal before bed and will stop you from feeling sluggish in the morning, too.

  1. Change How You Think


Sometimes, the reason why we’re overeating is to do with our emotions and only by addressing them can we improve our situation. If you’re struggling with the amount of food you’re taking in, try thinking about why you have the urge to eat next time you fancy a snack. If you increasingly find that your overeating is associated with feelings of sadness or stress, it could be a sign that there is something deeper that you need to fix in your life. If you find that the feelings are too strong to control, it might be worth talking to someone else about your situation and working through it in a more measured way. Eating isn’t always about hunger.

  1. Eat More Regularly


While it might seem to go against your common sense, eating more regularly can actually help to curb your foodie habits. Eating healthy meals at regular intervals can help to keep your energy levels at a constant and prevent you from mindlessly snacking throughout the day. Keeping your desk stocked with things like fruits and nuts can help to keep any hunger pangs at bay and maintain your productivity levels as the working day goes on. The more protein and fiber you take in, the better your energy levels will be and the more effective your metabolism will become!