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Work is something that basically everyone has to do every day, but very few people actually enjoy and feel motivated to do it. While... Three Tips to Increase Motivation at Work

Work is something that basically everyone has to do every day, but very few people actually enjoy and feel motivated to do it. While you may not want to be there at all, feeling motivated at the workplace can help you feel better each and every day. Here are three great tips to help you get and stay motivated at the workplace.

1. Challenge Yourself



If your job is too easy or you simply go through the same boring motions day in and day out, it can be incredibly hard to be motivated to go in and do a good job. This is when you should find a way to challenge yourself. Whether it is to find a new ways of doing things, ask for more or different work to do or a variety of other ways, doing something new or challenging yourself can help a lot when you need some motivation. Motivation needs to be stretched.

2. Think About Why You Are Doing It



When you are stuck at a job you don’t like, leaving and pursuing something you do like can be very attractive. And while this is a great thought, it needs some real planning and time to let materialize, especially if you have a family to provide for and bills to pay. Sometimes thinking about “why” you are at this job (such as to put food on the table, pay bills or facilitate travel) can often be enough motivation and can make you feel better about it all.

3. Be Grateful and Think of the Big Picture



In the grand scheme of things, if you live in a first world, developed country, you are doing pretty well for yourself. While your job may not be exactly what you want at the moment, be grateful that you have a job that pays a living wage when so many around the world do not and end up living in poverty. Sometimes it just takes stopping and taking a second to truly feet grateful in order to be more motivated at the workplace.