Stay Ahead of Asthma Attacks With ADAMM Wearable
LifestyleTech October 13, 2024 Damon Mitchell

A team of educated professionals at Health Care Originals (HCO) is on a mission to make living with asthma better. In fact, they’ve recently released a powerful tool for managing attacks.
They call it ADAMM, short for Automated Device for Asthma Monitoring and Management. The culmination of years of research, ADAMM is not only a cool wearable but part of an ecosystem (app, web-based database) designed to make living with asthma better.
A roof over our heads is nice, food is even better, and a good steady stream of drinkable water is critical. Breath, however, is the foundation on which those needs rest. Living with a condition that restricts breathing is like living with a condition that threatens the very essence of our lives. This is life with asthma.
ADAMM aims to put control back in the hands of the wearer. It is an elegantly designed wearable, which monitors your breathing to establish a baseline, then works with you to stay ahead of attacks so you can live the life you deserve.
It even works with children.
The Device
It’s an easy to apply, stick-able, flexible patch. Call it a stickable if you prefer that to wearable. Be sure to note, as the HCO site is quick to point out, it’s an award-winning device. Make that a couple of awards.
The device is simple but cool. It looks like something out of a science fiction show, three little domes around a central one. Wear it anywhere on your upper torso, as you prefer, then let it go to work.
It will track coughing counts, respiration, wheezing and heart rate. Put it on the charger while you sleep; it still monitors coughing.
The device even provides notifications, detects inhalers, and allows voice journaling. It’s so subtle you may forget you’re wearing it. The best part is it does not require a smart device to connect, perfect for children.
How it Works
First, ADAMM establishes a baseline by monitoring your activity. Once it has your normative symptoms, it will notify you when they deviate from the baseline. It will even notify someone if you’ve so designated the settings.
These notifications can help wearers stay one step ahead of attacks, which could be life-changing. With some inhalers, it will even detect their proximity then track your usage so you can measure your level of control.
There is a voice journaling feature, where you can log verbal entries of data. Along with your other data, these voice journals roll up into your long-term record. Over time, you can see how you are progressing against that baseline, staying the same or improving?
You can even have that data sent to your loved ones.
Designed for Life
The data collected and stored by ADAMM is HIPAA compliant data. You can access this information on your smart device or on the world wide web.
The web portal includes your symptom tracking, trends, and notifications. Because the device is so easy to wear, requiring little from the wearer. Like we said, perfect for children.
In fact, the HCO site looks like an episode of Sesame Street there are so many kids. Clearly, they had families in mind when they designed this device.
As is the case with many of the devices we cover on BodyHacks, ADAMM is not yet commercially available. You can sign up to receive updates via the HCO site.
There, you’ll find more information on the device along with a blog about managing asthma. You may also find them at trade shows, life CES, and E3.