Want To Eat Less? Here’s How To Do It Naturally
DietLifestyle December 4, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

When you’re trying to eat less and slim down, food always seems to find a way of wheedling its way back in. Cutting your portion sizes is often easier said than done and if you’re trying to get on the healthy straight and narrow, it can take a great deal of discipline. What, though, if there were another way? By changing your approach to what you put on your plate and how you eat, you can get away with much healthier portions sizes, all without feeling too hungry. Want to put a little less on your daily plate? These eating tricks ought to help you out.
- Gulp Down The Water

(source: pexels.com)
While drinking water instead of eating is something you absolutely should not do, you can drink a little more throughout the day in order to feel that bit less hungry in between your meals. Hydrating your body sufficiently can help to keep you feeling all the healthier and happier, giving you a little more energy to keep going. Better yet, water can help you to feel a little more full after eating, so make sure you accompany all of your meals with a cool glass of the stuff.
- Keep Your Food Away From You

(source: pexels.com)
Being constantly surrounded by food is a test of anyone’s willpower and after a while, even the most disciplined eater might struggle to say no to a few snacks. If you’re finding it hard to cut back on those extra portions, try and keep your food away from you in between meal times. If you’re working, try taking a packed lunch, locking those snacks away. The less you see food, the less tempted you will be to eat when you might not even be hungry.
- Fill Up On Veggies

(source: pexels.com)
Having a healthy mix of food on your plate is an essential way to get a fill of a balanced diet and when you’re trying to slim down, vegetables can help out a huge amount. Not only are vegetables a healthy source of a huge range of essential nutrients but also, thanks to their high fiber content, they can help to keep you feeling fuller for longer. You will be less tempted to snack after your meal and your digestion will be improved, to boot.
4. Have A Conversation

(source: pexels.com)
Socializing during your meal times can help to keep you feeling happier and more positive. There’s more to it than that, too, and by eating your lunch alongside your colleagues, you might be inclined to eat a little less. Talking alongside a meal can help you to eat things a little more slowly, making it easier for your stomach to detect when it’s full. The more gradually you eat, the more accurate an idea you’ll get of the state of your hunger.
- Listen To Your Stomach

(source: pexels.com)
If you have a lot of mental discipline, then this step is perfect to you. Honing in to your body’s needs and really appreciating when you’re hungry can make all the difference to your ability to correctly portion. Before you start snacking on an unhealthy tid bit, try asking yourself if it’s really hunger you’re suffering from. Trying to understand how your body is working can make it much easier to give it what it wants, when it wants it.