The Whole30 Diet: What’s It All About?
Diet October 19, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

With every new season, a new diet rears its head and recently, the Whole30 diet has been the talk of the town. Having taken the social media world by storm, the diet encourages followers of the lifestyle to cut things like sugar, grains, legumes, alcohol and dairy from their everyday lives. In their place, you can eat dishes rich in fresh nutrients and vitamins, ridding your body of any built up toxins and improving the state of your health for the better. Don’t know if you have the willpower to follow it through? Don’t worry! The Whole30 diet, as its name suggests, lasts for 30 days, giving your body a full and proper detox.
Thanks to its limited time frame, the Whole30 diets is one of the more balanced eating programs that you can follow and by picking it up, you can improve your health in a number of lasting ways.
- Improved Quality Of Sleep

What happens when you cut the sugar from your diet and load up on the protein? You will be more inclined to relax more readily and sleep more soundly. Eating too much sugar can significantly interfere with your ability to fall asleep at night, leading to a more restless night in your bed. Many people who have followed the diet have reported a greater feeling of restfulness and energy, so be prepared to sleep like a baby!
- More Effective Digestion

Your body’s ability to break down the foods that you eat can have a huge impact on the way that you feel. If you suffer from consistent bloatedness and indigestion, trying the Whole30 diet might be the way to go. Eating a diet high in vegetables ups your intake of fiber, which is a key component to a happy gut. It might take a few days for your body to kick into gear but before long, you will be digesting food with serious efficiency!
- Higher Levels Of Energy

When you go natural with your diet, your body will be able to function better than ever before! Eating a diet high in essential nutrients and vitamins can ensure that essential processes work like normal, giving you everything you need to feel like your very best self. Consuming a balanced, rich diet is the best way to feel more rested and focus on your tasks, so prepare for bucket loads of energy!
- Cut Down Your Cravings

Cutting out sugar from your diet can be hard at first but over time, you will start to get over your cravings. The less sugar that you have in your diet, the less that you will crave it in your snacks and meals, so be prepared to live a sugar-free future. You might just end up feeling clearer-headed and bursting with more energy!