Body Hacks

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Getting in shape with running is a great way to give your body a workout. Strengthening your core and your legs, the sport can... This Abs Workout Will Improve Your Running Skills

Getting in shape with running is a great way to give your body a workout. Strengthening your core and your legs, the sport can help to tone up major muscle groups and get your cardio health in good nick, too. After some time, however, you might find that you reach a plateau in terms of your progress. It’s time to switch things up a gear. Running alone won’t perfect your body; in order to keep things really toned, you need to add in additional exercises. These abs workouts will help to tighten up your core and improve your running form, helping you to break your personal best time and again!

  1. Glute Bridge


Working out your glutes and your lower back is essential when it comes to your core strength. Glute bridges can help to actively tone up the area, keeping it stronger and more resilient during your running workouts. Start by lying on an exercise mat with your knees bent and your heels at a 90 degree angle. Slowly lift your hips so that your legs are in a straight line, then lower them back to the ground. Repeat the activity for one minute and stretch off when you’ve finished.

  1. Bicycle Crunch


Traditional crunches are all well and good but if you really want to shake things up in your workout, you might want to try including active elements in order to work on smaller muscle groups. The bicycle crunch is a fantastic one to try, helping to tone up your obliques. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, your feet elevated and your hands resting behind your head. Keeping your back as straight as possible, lean back to engage your abs, bringing your right elbow to your left knee as you do so. Repeat on both sides for one minute before moving on.

  1. Forearm Plank Hold


One of the most intensive moves out there, the forearm plank hold doesn’t require much movement but it will really work out those core muscles. Using an exercise mat, start with your forearms and knees on the ground, stacking your elbows below your shoulders. Next, slowly lift your knees off the ground and push from your feet to fully extend your body, creating one line with your body. Keep your core tight and engaged and position your neck in line with your spine. Hold for one minute, or for as long as you can.

  1. Triceps Push Up


Working a different area of the muscle group than a traditional push up alone, this move will focus on your triceps, helping to get the hard to reach area of the body in great shape. Start off in a high plank position on an exercise mat and walk your hands together so that the thumbs and forefingers form a triangle. Now, bend your elbows to lower the torso towards the ground in order to complete a full push up. Continue the move for one minute, marking your repetitions as you go.

  1. Forearm Side Plank Hold


While it might take you a while to master, the forearm side plank hold can really help to tone up your body and keep things tight. Starting on your left side, position your left elbow beneath your shoulder and stack your feet together. Following this, pivot your hips into the air, balancing on your right knee if you feel unstable. Pull in your core and press your hips up, holding the move for one minute before moving onto the other side.