Calf Raises Having a well defined, bulbous calf is the bane of many a bodybuilder. It’s not necessarily important to your functionality, but the range...

Calf Raises
Having a well defined, bulbous calf is the bane of many a bodybuilder. It’s not necessarily important to your functionality, but the range of motion in your ankle matters. Achilles’ tendons are notorious for tightness. To combat this, and possibly blow up your calves, do plies. What’s a plie? It’s when you lift up onto your tiptoes. Have you ever seen a ballerina’s calves? That’s what doing plies can do for you. You can make them worth the effort by doing them on a little step, lowering your heel below the ball of your foot, then back up to your tiptoes. These will kill your calves the first time.