The 3 Day Fat Busting Detox You Need To Know
Diet January 2, 2025 Hannah Lamarque

With so much hype on detoxes, you can practically find one for every day of the month. While long term detoxes might not be within your remit, you can enjoy all the benefits of a good cleanse over the course of a few days. By approaching your eating habits in a different way over the course of 3 days, you can shed any extra fat, improve your digestive health and give yourself a boost of energy. When accompanied with a healthy lifestyle, this detox can help you to go one further, getting in better shape even faster!
- Drink A Diuretic Tea

The night before you embark on the three day detox, it is best if you drink any sort of diuretic tea. A couple of measures of Dark Forest tea will help you to shed any toxins that might be hanging around in your body, clearing up your digestive tract to get going. Make sure you continue to drink enough water when you do this step. The water will help to flush out any remaining toxins and will ensure that you don’t become dehydrated before you embark on your detox.
- Juice Up A Lemon

Lemon water is fantastic in any kind of situation but on the first morning of your cleanse, it can really help to kick things into gear. The citrus fruits can help to kick start your metabolism and get your digestive processes running efficiently, making it easier for your body to break down any food you take in. A glass every morning will also give you a boost of energy, helping you to get going for the day ahead!
- Prepare Your Juice

Over the course of the next three days, you will be drinking a lot of veggie packed juices, so it pays to think about what you’re making beforehand. After breakfast, you should aim to drink one and a half cups of grapefruit juice and before lunch, you need to consume one and half cups of carrot juice. During lunch, choose a drink that is high in potassium, such as beets or avocado and before bed, try drinking down a glass of cranberry juice. Adding the juices to a healthy diet will help to pack your diet full of nutrients, help you absorb the maximum amount of vitamins and make it easier for your body to shed the fat!