Here Are 4 Nutrition Apps You Need To Know
Diet November 21, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

Apps are a part of a huge amount of our lives. Helping us to get organized, discover events around the world and connect with our friends, apps can make everyday tasks easier and help us to connect to the world around us. When it comes to eating right, it’s a similar story. Digital technology has risen up over recent years and now, you can find an app for practically every part of a healthy, balanced diet. Are you looking to get on a health kick? These apps can help you out. By downloading them today, you can turn around your fitness and enjoy better health right away!

Arguably one of the most popular apps out there, MyFitnessPal is a great one to get into if you’re looking to improve your overall health. Complete with a built in food library, the app makes it incredibly simple to get all the information on the food you’re eating, helping you to make the right kinds of choices. The app can also be customized to meet your dietary requirements, so if you’re looking to cut back on a certain area of food, MyFitnessPal can show you how best to avoid it!

When you’re on the road, finding healthy options can be practically impossible. With a fast food outlet at practically every corner, you might feel forced to give in and go for a greasy meal. Not so fast; Food Tripping can help. A health food app, Food Tripping can indicate healthy meal options that are located along your route. If you’re on the road, in a foreign town or just want to try somewhere new, the app can help you to make a healthy option and keep your nutrition in check!

Brushing up on your food knowledge is one of the best ways to ensure that you make the best food choices available to you. While your food’s labeling system might seem too complex to get your head around, Fooducate can break through all of the jargon and give you the essential information. All you need to do is scan your food label into your phone and the app will give you the rundown on everything you need to know. Who knew healthy eating could be so simple?

Finding a product that delivers on nutrition, ingredients and processing levels can be a very big struggle and often, you might be forced to scrimp on one area. Food Scores can help to better the situation. Complete with a database of more than 80,000 food items, the app rates each product on a 3 point scale, revealing its nutritional, ingredient and processing information. You can make the most informed decision possible when you eat and ensure than you avoid any of the hidden nasties in processed foods!