Here Are 4 Ways To Get Hooked On Exercise
Lifestyle September 20, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

Exercise is one of the most simple ways to feel better about your body and boost your energy but if you’re not in love with it, it can be a hard regime to pick up. Getting to grips with fitness is all about taking your time with it and if you don’t immediately find your footing, there is nothing to worry about. Finding your place in the world of exercise is a bit like settling in in a new job and while everything might seem a little strange at first, it’s bound to get better. Want to get hooked on your fitness regime? These steps ought to help.
- Make It Your Routine

The more used you get to something, the easier it is to keep going with it. The same can be said about exercise. If you can stop thinking about exercising and simply do it, you will remove your need to question the activity. When things become habitual, we rarely spend time thinking about whether or not we want to do them; we do them because we always have done them. Try allocating specific days of the week to certain exercises and writing up a plan. When everything is already planned out for you, you will have no excuses to make.
- Make It A Challenge

Keeping your interest levels high is all about maintaining the right level of challenge. If your exercise regime is too tough, you’re much more likely to feel burned out and unenthusiastic by the end of it all. At the same time, make things too easy and you risk running into boredom, losing the willpower to keep going. The trick is to challenge yourself just enough. Set yourself certain goals to meet within specific deadlines. If you find your level too high or too low, try adjusting it until it mirrors your progress. You should push yourself just enough to keep the process interesting.
- Keep It Short

Dreading that long gym session? Try cutting your workout in half. Your fitness regime doesn’t have to last for hours in order to be effective and in fact, shorter workouts can be more effective than longer ones if the level of intensity is high enough. Try focusing on interval training and weightlifting in your workouts. You can intensify your efforts and enjoy all of the rewards, too!
- Reward Showing Up

Getting into exercise is all about changing your strategy. When you focus too much on weight loss, you run the risk of feeling obliged to workout and when you don’t, you could begin to feel all the more guilty for it. Try turning the tables. If you reward yourself for showing up to your fitness session, you are more likely to feel enthusiastic beforehand. When you reward exercise, you reward yourself for choosing a healthy lifestyle and improving yourself. That is really something to be proud of.