It’s December. Christmas is looming on the horizon and many of us are just starting to get in the festive spirit. With parties, meals and outings to plan, you might not even be thinking about your health routine, putting off making any changes until the new year. There’s good reason, however, why you should forget about New Year’s resolutions and just get going on the whole thing now. Making a head start on your healthy changes can make it all the more easy to keep them in place following the start of January and incorporate them into your routine. Need a little more convincing on why you should be an early bird? Let this show you the way.
- Time Is An Illusion

(source: pexels.com)
While many of us use time as a way to motivate ourselves to start something new, promising to start a project later is just a way of putting it off. Saying that you’re going to start in January is merely a way of biding your time in the hopes that, once the New Year rolls around, you will have a sudden wind of enthusiasm. There is no time like the present. The chances are that you’re going to feel the same about starting a new health kick whether it’s now or later. Get the hard bit over and take the plunge early. By January, it will all seem so much more easy.
- You Can Get More Done

(source: pexels.com)
The sooner that you start your new healthy routine, the more quickly that you can get yourself in shape. Postponing your health kick will only increase the time in which it takes you to realize the body and lifestyle of your dreams, ultimately making your motivational progress all the more difficult. You can feel better and more energetic before Christmas, helping you to get through the feasting season with a spring in your step.
- You Will Stay More Organized

(source: kes.hants.sch.uk)
The idea that the New Year will bring with it a whole load of change is really just an illusion. While the rush of New Year’s Eve might feel full of possibility, a few days into January, you will probably be back to your normal routine. To make it easier to change things up, try getting started earlier on your health kick this time around. You can begin to put in place a system that works for you and your schedule and start the New Year with a clear idea of where you’re going.
- There Is Less Pressure

(source: pexels.com)
With the New Year comes a rush to get into shape and all of a sudden, you might notice everyone around you trying to change their lifestyle. We have created such a buzz around the time of year that, if you’re not trying to make a change to how you’re living, it can come across as a little lacklustre. You can put a whole lot of pressure on yourself to be perfect which, over time, can really affect your progress. By starting early with your healthy plan, you can make the changes just another part of your routine, taking the stress off yourself. A healthy lifestyle should be a permanent change and one that becomes your new daily routine.
- Your Goals Will Be More Realistic

(source: pexels.com)
As strange as it sounds, the New Year can bring with it all sorts of lofty expectations and when you’re caught up in the moment, you can end up making all sorts of unreasonable goals. When you don’t have the hype of the New Year clouding your judgment, you are more likely to be careful about your progress, setting yourself more realistic goals. By starting early, you can think more deeply about your lifestyle and make the changes that are really going to stick.