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When was the last time that you went to the dentist? Let’s be honest here, no-one enjoys making an appointment to have their teeth... 5 Ways You Can Take Care Of Your Teeth (Before It’s Too Late)

When was the last time that you went to the dentist? Let’s be honest here, no-one enjoys making an appointment to have their teeth prodded and poked about and if you’re like many people, you might put off the inevitable for a very long time indeed. It’s time to change your perspective. Your teeth are one of the most important parts of your body, helping you to perform your everyday functions without a second thought. Taking care of your dental hygiene when you can, then, should be a top priority. Proper dental care is about so much more than visiting your dentist, however, and by taking a long hard look at your routine, you can improve the state of your teeth in one fell swoop.

  1. Drink Coffee and Tea With A Straw


Seem like an extreme measure? You might surprised at just how big of a difference this step can make. Drinks like tea, coffee and red wine can lead to staining of your tooth enamel, making your pearly whites appear much more discolored than they really should be. To give your smile a fighting chance, try drinking your beverages with a straw. It might be hard to get your head round at first but doing so will only protect your teeth and keep them sparkling for longer into the future.

  1. Floss Once A Day


Good dental hygiene is invaluable. In fact, your oral hygiene is an indicator of your general well being and making sure that it is always at its best will help with the upkeep of other part of your body. As well as brushing your teeth twice a day, you should floss before you go to bed at night in order to get rid of any hard to reach bits of food or bacteria. Keeping your whole mouth clean can give you a better chance of enjoying better health and will reduce your risk of meeting any problems later down the line!

  1. Go For Regular Cleanings


There are some things that are best left to the professionals and just as an expert can sort out any tricky issues with your car, it is your dentist who can put to right any problems you might be experiencing with your teeth. Seeing your dentist every few months for a full cleaning is a great way of giving your teeth a thorough brushing up and eliminating any issues that might have started to build up. Think of it like an inspection for your teeth; sometimes, you need a second pair of eyes to really do a thorough a job and your dentist is the only person who can really help you out.

  1. Eat More Cheese


A step that is possibly easier to follow than most, eating cheese after eating acidic foods can be a great way of protecting your tooth enamel and keeping your dental health in better shape. If you’ve been drinking wine, you can finish off the evening with a plate of cheese or a glass of milk. These food products can help to replenish essential minerals in your teeth which might have been attacked by the acid  present in wine. Who said that dental care had to be boring?

  1. Eat A Balanced Diet


The foods that you eat can have a surprising effect on the state of your mouth. While following a healthy, balanced diet is guaranteed to improve things in general, there are a number of foods that you can eat in order to specifically target your teeth. Things like leafy greens, fish and apples can help to up your body’s quantities of essential nutrients and keep your teeth even more nourished than normal. Dairy products can also help to stock your body with calcium and vitamin C, nutrients that are essential for the healthy maintenance of bones and teeth.