6 Dairy Free Desserts You Need To Know
Recipes March 4, 2025 Hannah Lamarque

Once upon a time, the words “dairy free” and “dessert” couldn’t crop up together without a collective groan going around the room. While once, dairy free desserts were thin on the ground, now, there is practically no end to the types of choices out there. Thanks to the rise of alternative butters, creams and milks, going dairy free is easier than ever and in the foodie world, there is a whole load of tasty choice right at your fingertips.

(source: willfrolicforfood.com)
There’s nothing quite like a crumbly, chewy cookie and now, there are a ton of ways that you can enjoy the sweet snack without even a smidgen of dairy inside. Chocolatey, nutty and oh-so rich, these cookies are better for you than you might think and won’t leave that heavy feeling in your stomach. Making up a big batch is always in your best interests; they’re so good, you can’t just stop at one.

(source: thisrawsomeveganlife.com)
Thought that donuts couldn’t get any better? Just wait until you try this tasty recipe. Balancing the light, smooth flavors of caramel and vanilla, the dairy-free dessert is the ultimate choice for those who have a really sweet tooth. Using neither dairy nor frying oil, the desserts are a much lighter choice than your traditional choice, giving you a taste of something sugary without weighing you down. Better yet, the recipe is entirely vegan, meaning everyone can enjoy a quick taste!

(source: ohladycakes.com)
Taking influence from the classic recipe, these peanut butter cookies go one better. Packed with nut butter, maple syrup and coconut oil, the cookies are bursting with flavor and don’t contain an ounce of dairy, either. Whipping up a quick cookie dough requires a quick whip around in your food storage. If you fancy a taste of something sweet, this is the recipe that you need to use.

(source: whatscookinggoodlooking.com)
Of course, it’s not all about the baked goods. These fruity offerings make a sumptuous dessert, finishing off a healthy feast in just the right way. Adding wine to your fruit is a great way to bring out the natural flavors and kick up the tastiness a notch or two. If you want to make the dish a little more indulgent, try adding a little whipped coconut cream to the side. You can make your dessert that bit richer without even touching the dairy.

(source: dollyandoatmeal.com)
Now that the weather is cold, it’s the perfect time in which to whip out your apron and get baking. If dairy is a no-go area, this chocolate olive oil cake makes a great alternative offering. Olive oil is a phenomenal baking tool, helping you to whip up your favorite dishes without going overboard on the fat or the dairy. This cake is rich in chocolaty flavor and finished off with a healthy serving of salted almonds. You won’t be able to stop at just one slice.

(source: wifemamafoodie.com)
Who doesn’t like a slice of carrot cake? These individual muffins are an even better way in which to enjoy the dessert, giving you a whole plate of smaller servings. Rich and bursting with flavor, these muffins make a great snack in the day, helping you to keep going between meals. The cakes even come equipped with their very own cream cheese frosting, perfect for the dairy intolerant. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?