Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Meatless Meals: 5 Vegetarian Recipes You Need To Know
Want to go meatless this week? There’s a ton of ways that you can get your veggie fix and better yet, you might not even miss your regular side of steak! Laying off the meat from time to time is a great way to improve the state of your... Read more
Your Salad is Boring; Change-ups You Must Try Today
Sure, veggies can be fun to eat, I guess, but if you wake up every day excited about the salad you are going to enjoy for lunch, it’s time you changed your coffee routine. Little in life is less exciting than a salad; even the best ones. We eat... Read more
5 Simple Dip Recipes For A Healthier Snack Time
Snacking can sometimes be the downfall of healthy eating. No matter your level of discipline towards your diet, when hunger calls, it can be incredibly difficult to avoid temptation and make the right food choice to meet your needs. Where there’s a will, however, there’s always a way and... Read more
Morning Oats: The Healthy Granola Recipes For A Better Breakfast
Granola is on the up and whether you’re incorporating it into you breakfast, lunch or mid morning snack, the food can help to give your energy levels a serious kick. While shop bought granola can hide a hundred different sins, making your own at home is a great way... Read more
6 Make Ahead Meals For A Healthier Lifestyle
When you look into your freezer, what do you see? Is it a wasteland of frozen goods gone wrong, the remnants of some last minute dash to the supermarket stuffed to the back of the ice filled box or rather, is it fit to bursting with healthy meals, each... Read more
Sweet and Light: The Healthiest Sweet Potato Recipes You Need To Know
Sweet potatoes are always a good idea when it comes to healthy food. Packed full of flavor and highly versatile, the vegetables are a great source of fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. If you’re tired of eating the same old starchy dishes, adding a little sweet potato into the mix... Read more
The All In One Breakfast Cups For A Healthier Morning
How do you like your eggs in the morning? If you know what’s good for you, then you’ll take them in a cup. Meals made in muffin tins are on the rise and if you’re a fan of all in one, compact cuteness then you’re going to want to... Read more
4 Tasty Ways To Get Your Fiber Fix
With practically the whole world on a health kick, it can seem like there is always a new way in which to lose weight and if you haven’t tried the latest fad, you simply haven’t lived. Sometimes, however, the simplest methods really are the best and by taking influence... Read more
5 Summer Recipes To Help You Stay Hydrated
The sun is out, the ice creams are melting and the sprinklers are on. There’s no use denying it any longer; summer is here! One of the best times of the year, the summer months are always worthy of being celebrated and whether you like to jet off into... Read more
Let’s agree… Food is not fattening. Food is something you eat. Food is not bad for you, but too much of a good thing can be bad for you. There are some indulgences, however, which can be a lot of calories for the body to process. I’m a big... Read more
5 Ways To Use Chia Seeds In Your Kitchen
Chia seeds are on the up and if you’re involved in any type of health movement, it’s likely that you’ve tried them at some point or another. With so many recipes out there, however, making the best out of the superfood can be more than a little confusing and... Read more
Light Bites: 7 Summer-Ready Salads You Need To Try
Now that summer has well and truly arrived, the kinds of foods that we want to be eating have switched up a gear and over the next few months, it’s all about light bites and keeping cool. If you’re trying to experiment in the kitchen however, the same old... Read more
Pack In The Pasta With These Noodle Dishes
Cutting carbs from your diet is often easier said than done. While processed types of the food group can be bad for your health, you might look to them as a source of comfort after a hard day. If you want to cut the pasta from your diet but... Read more
The Mean, Green Recipes For A Healthier You
Do you get enough greens in your diet? While balancing all of the essential nutrients is a sure fire way in which to improve your health and stay in good shape, there are some foods that are more important than most out there and packing them into your diet... Read more
How To Make Your Own HEALTHY Fried Rice
Going out to Chinese, usually isn’t the healthiest option due to added fats, oils and MSG sadly to say. I am a sucker for Chinese food, so I have started experimenting with my own asian flavored recipes at home. This fried rice is easily adaptable to whatever you have... Read more
Staying on a healthy eating track might seem to be all about practically over pleasure but it turns out that there could be a way to have your cake and eat it too. While following a balanced diet and getting your fill of vitamins is a sure fire way... Read more
3 Ways to Rock Protein Pancakes Like a Pro
“I love waking up to Sunday morning pancakes. The whole process of making them, just out in the kitchen together making pancakes on a Sunday morning; that’s an experience every girl should have.” – Ronda Rousey Pancakes rule. Lately, I’ve been eating one every morning. Since I was a... Read more
3 Quinoa Recipes For A Supercharged Meal
Quinoa. Super grain of the moment, helping to support a better immune system and internal health, the food can help to boost our wellbeing in a whole number of ways. Eating more of the grain in your diet might be a whole lot easier than you had every imagined... Read more
Simple Eating: The Healthiest 3 Ingredient Meals
Making the most out of every meal time is a sure fire way to boost your health, feel better about yourself and lead a balanced lifestyle. When we’re battling against hectic schedules and active after work lives, however, doing so is not always as easy as it seems and... Read more
Become a Better Cook with These Three Tips
One of the best skills a person can possess in life is to become well adept at cooking. While it is a great skill, it isn’t always easy to do and can take a lot of time. Here are three awesome tips to become better at cooking. 1. Take... Read more