9 Legit Fitness Trackers For Swimmers
Tech February 28, 2024 Damon Mitchell

You can track your punching speed now, so, of course, you can track your swimming activities. Pretty soon we’ll track everything… yeah, everything, like Truman Show everything.
Nah, not that bad, just health metrics as far as we know. The ability to track health metrics in any environment is going to the biggest change wearables bring to our lives.
One of the toughest environments is under water. We found nine trackers that are willing to take on that challenge, some better than others. You be the judge.
It deserves to be said, we haven’t had the luxury of testing any of these trackers firsthand. This is data pulled directly from their sites. As far as that goes, you can gather from our outline which sites lacked consumer information. You may draw you own conclusions.
Also, the depths listed come under quite a bit of debate in the deep sea of the internet. Rest assured, most of these devices will not accompany you on dives, even if they say 100 meters. If you’re scuba diving, buy a diving watch.
With no display and no heart rate tracker, this device may seem like a pass, but the Speedo version of the Shine, designed in partnership with Speedo, does a very streamlined job of tracking what you need. Just don’t expect to easily stop mid-swim to check your progress, not unless you have a waterproof phone case.
Waterproof: 50 meters
Swim Tracking: Speedo version will track lap count, distance,
Other Tracking: Steps, calories, distance, sleep, bike pedals.
Cost: $69.99
Compatible: IOS/Android/Windows
Similar to the Misfit Shine, the Moov will not track you heart rate, nor will it display your activity as you go; not without a phone or tablet. That said, the Now packs a lot into this slim device. It was one of the first devices you could buy that tracks boxing activity.
Waterproof: 3 meters
Swim Tracking: Laps, Flip turn time, resting time, pace, stroke, distance per stroke, rate, style.
Other Tracking: Running, Walking, Boxing, Cycling, exercise.
Cost: $79.95
Compatible: IOS/Android
Functional under water, the Runtastic is a running tracker that resists water. In fact, their site is unclear about what it specifically tracks with your swimming. We’re going to guess just your calories. For $90 there are better options for swimmers.
Waterproof: 100 meters
Swim Tracking: You can wear it swimming, but what it tracks is probably just your activity levels.
Other Tracking: Steps, distance, sleep duration, sleep cycles, calories, goals.
Cost: About $90
Compatible: IOS/Android/Windows
Speaking of better options for $90, spend another $10 over the Runtastic and get laps tracked. I struggled to find more information that that, but it does track a variety of dry land activities.
Water Resistant: 30 meters
Swim Tracking: Laps.
Other Tracking: Daily Activity, calories, heart rate, 24/7 tracking, sleep, steps, distance,
Cost: $99.95
Compatible: Mac/PC
For the cost, this smart watch makes decent fitness tracker. The Pop does so much more than what most activity trackers do these days. It’s a huge plus that it can track these things after going for a swim. It also doesn’t hurt that this is the only device on this list that will go from the pool to the board room.
Waterproof: 50 meters
Swim Tracking: Calories burned, laps, strokes.
Other Tracking: Activity levels, sleep time, sleep levels, steps, distance, calories
Cost: $149.95
Compatible: IOS/Android

(Source: wearable4u.com)
This device looks like it might feel big on your arm, but it does what it does with style. For less than the Garmin, you can track your heart rate without needing to wear a chest strap. It tracks from your wrist. It also tracks so much more than just your pool activity.
Waterproof: 30 meters
Swim Tracking: Timing, heart rate, but beyond that it’s unclear exactly what it does in the water.
Other Tracking: Heart rate, steps, calories, distance, pace, goal progress.
Cost: $129.00
Compatible: IOS/Android
Garmin has been at fitness tracking since before it was called wearables. No surprise that they have a waterproof fitness tracker. Expect Garmin quality and service in a very swim-oriented tracker.
Waterproof: 50 meters
Swim Tracking: Swim, stroke, technique, lengths, strokes, distance, time, efficiency.
Other Tracking: Time. (It’s a swim tracker.)
Cost: $149.99
Compatible: Site unclear.
The costliest device of the bunch, the Suunto packs a ton of tracking into this device. Sadly, like the Garmin, it will not track your heart rate with wearing the Suunto sensor. Also, for the price, the site was not easy to search for compatibility. This would be front and center of my attention if I was actually shopping.
Waterproof: 100 meters
Swim Tracking: Heart rate (w/ sensor), laps, pace, distance, time, stroke rate, styles, efficiency, intervals.
Other Tracking: Activity, speed, pace, distance, route, altitude, temperature, tides. Needs belt for HR info.
Cost: $469.00
Compatible: Site not clear.
The Jaybird is, in the reviewers opinion, the sexiest option of the bunch. It must be in person too. They were sold out as of this writing. The Reign is not specifically for swimmers, but it will work under water to tack your swimming. You have to go at for at least ten minutes for your activity to register, though.
Waterproof: ?? Not listed, but Jaybird says it will take swimming, not diving.
Swim Tracking: Not clear from their site, but you must swim for at least ten minutes to register.
Other Tracking: Walk, Run, Ride, General Activity, Sport, Inactivity, Sleep, Activity Points, Calories, Distance, Steps, Active time, Inactive time, sleep time, sleep quality.
Cost: Out of Stock!
Compatible: IOS/Android
Have experience with one of these? Speak up in the comments. We’d love to hear about it.
Swim on!