This Back Combo Will Have You Pulling Cars
Fitness April 10, 2024 Damon Mitchell

Strength can be attributed to many factors, but in the real world, it rarely has anything to do with how much weight we can push off our chests. It’s hard for dudes to hear, but the benchpress is not the ultimate measure of strength.
Perceived strength comes down to a healthy combination leg and back strength. It’s when people ask us to pick up heavy things that we get to demonstrate superior functionality. Beyond having strong legs, you gotta have a back that can pull.
Do these three exercises to lift heavy boxes like they were facial tissues.
We’re going to apply the same rules to this workout as this workout to blow up your chest.
The rules:
- No rest between exercises. You may take 60 seconds between sets if you need.
- There are no points earned for speed, but the range of motion is worth double.
- Additional points are earned for slowing down the concentric (negative) movements.
- There is no actual points system. Grade yourself a winner just for trying.
- Five sets. You can pyramid your weight, but get two sets of twenty reps, one at the start and one for the last set. If you don’t know what pyramid means, then stick with 20-rep sets (I.e. 20 pull-ups, 20 extensions, 20 rows).
Let’s get this out right away. Most people, even enviably fit people, will not be able to bang out 20 repetitions of straight pull-ups. Try not to kip them. If you don’t know what a kip is, then don’t look it up. It’s an acceptable form of cheating by some schools.
The easiest way to hit 20 reps on your pull ups is to do them banded. In a banded pull-up, you tie a large rubber band to the pull-up bar, then stand on it. Your banded pull-up will look like this (but no crossing the ankles):

If you can’t find a band, here are a couple of alternatives:
- Do your pull-ups on the smith machine, adjusting the bar height so you can use your legs to self-spot. Expect to get dirty looks for this, though. Serious lifters don’t want you doing anything that isn’t loading the bar on the smith machine.
- Alternatively, you can have a buddy help you, but getting 20 this way will still be hard for many.
The best solution is to do as many as you can, even if it’s one rep. If you can’t do one, don’t panic, you’re still in the majority of people. Do negatives instead. Set up a box so that you can start the pull up in the upmost position. Then lower yourself as slowly as you can, taking up to ten seconds.
You will see you strength gains in no time.
Pull-up Technique:
- The ideal bar height will require you to jump up to it or require a lift. if you’re using a band to help you, start on a ploy box and get those feet in while holding the bar before you go anywhere.
- Grab the bar similar to the way you grab it for a deadlift. At the top of the exercise, your elbows will make two right angles.
- Again, similar to the deadlift, create tension across the bar by attempting to bend it. If it’s strong enough to hold you, it won’t actually bend.
- Maintain tension across your body by, tightening your glutes, and shortening the distance between your bellybutton to your anus. Your chest cavity should not stick out. Your ankles should not cross, but you can point your toes.
- Keeping that tension on the bar and pull yourself up as many times as you can.
Reverse Extensions
If you’re thinking, extensions are a glute-exercise, you’re halfway correct. The glutes create the movement in extensions, but the lower back works over time to create stability. The better you can maintain this stability through your pelvis and spine while moving, the more weight you’ll be able to move.
Additionally, reverse extensions put pressure on your hip flexors, the muscles that get tight from sitting. This allows your glutes to really engage, which is a good thing. Well, performed extensions will improve back pain.
The trick is finding an extension machine you can use backward. Some are better designed for this. I’ve seen someone use the preacher curl for these. Use your adult judgment of the safety.
Here are a couple of examples:
Reverse Extensions Technique:
- Bend over the extensions machine so that your legs hang off the end if you let them.
- Secure your upper body by holding onto handles or the next best thing.
- Try not to let your shoulders rise up to your shoulders.Keep your shoulder blades depressed.
- REALLY IMPORTANT: pull your bellybutton into your body cavity. Keep it there. because of gravity, there will pressure against this, which you may think is your own body doing the work. It needs to be you pulling it in, not the pad pushing it up.
- Lift your legs from your glutes. Your lower back should feel fatigued by the end, not pinched or stinging.
Bent over Rows
Rows done this way will combine the best parts of the first two exercises.
Using dumbbells or a barbell, the goal is to pick up as much weight as you can to complete 20 repetitions. That means the heaviest weight you can manage to still complete the set, not the lightest weight.
Try to keep the plane of motion moving up towards your belly button. If you use the barbell, pull it there. If you go dumbbells, imagine there is a string connecting them. Pull it to your bellybutton.
Bent Over Rows Technique:
- Take a neutral stance in front of your weight, about hip to shoulder width apart.
- Create tension from your toes to hips by screwing your feet into the floor; left one counterclockwise, the right one clockwise.
- Been over, try to get your chest as low to the ground as possible. You can bend your knees, but your hips should do the most bending. You will stay bent over the whole time, back flat.
- Grab the weight.
- Slide your shoulder blades into your back pockets before you lift the weight, then row it up by drawing your shoulders back.
Bent over Delt Flys
One of the most important support systems for your back is your shoulder, but not just your deltoids. The rotator cuff muscles work to stabilize your shoulder so your back and glutes can pull more weight. Your future [read: aged] self will thank you for strengthening all of the muscles which support your shoulders.
Similar to the rows, bent over flys will require you to stay bent over for the duration of the exercise. If your legs aren’t burning by the end, you aren’t leaning forward enough.
Be advised, you will not need heavy dumbbells for these. If it’s your first time, just the weight of your fists will give you an idea. You can increase the focus on your rotator cuff by pinning your elbows to your sides for the duration of the movement.
Remember: You can always lift more the next time.
Bent over Delt Flys Technique:
- Take a neutral stance in front of your weights, about hip to shoulder width apart.
- Create tension from your toes to hips by screwing your feet into the floor; left one counterclockwise, the right one clockwise.
- Been over, try to get your chest as low to the ground as possible. You can bend your knees, but your hips should do the most bending. You will stay bent over the whole time, back flat.
- Grab the weight.
- Shift your shoulder blades into your back pockets before you lift the weight.
- Lift the weights wide to your body, keeping your shoulders pinned to your rib cage.
Alright, get through as many rounds of these super-duper sets as you can. Your target is five, but if you can only do three the first day, fine. You get to four next time, then five the time after that.
Don’t do this combo more than twice a week as part of a larger workout plan.
Be sure to drink water between sets. If you want to throw in 60-seconds of jump rope, your heart will thank you for it. You will sleep well after this. Better eat well too.