Do Your Best to Avoid Doing These Three Things Before the Gym
Fitness February 4, 2024 Kale Havervold
Everyone wants to have a good and solid workout every time they go to the gym, however, some people may not even know that the things they do every day are stopping them from doing that. There are certain things you definitely should not do right before you go to the gym, and here are three of them.
1. Do Not Eat Very Much
While it is true that food gives you energy and energy can help your body perfrom better, eating a few minutes before you leave for the gym will not help you. Eating an hour or more before a work out should provide no problems, but eating right before definitely can. This is because you didn’t give time for the food to settle in your stomach and many types of exercise can make you feel lazy and even sick.
2. Stretching
While static stretching used to be seen as a great thing to do before lifting weights and having a workout, that is necessarily true anymore. Recently, scientists have actually found out that this pre-workout static stretching actually does more potential harm than it does help. Stretching a “cold” muscle can lead to a number of potential problems such as pulls, strains and more, and can also decrease your strength in the muscles you have stretched, according to some studies.
3. Do Not Stress Out
Stress is a real muscle killer and working out while you are stressed or worried is an awful feeling most of the time. When a person is stressed out, their body releases more cortisol which breaks down muscle and encourages body fat storage. So in addition to taking your focus and energy away from the workout, your muscles actually won’t be as strong either. It is always best to try go to the gym as relaxed as possible for the best workout.