Gastric Bypass Surgery; How This Procedure Can Help with Weight Loss
Health January 4, 2025 Hannah Lamarque

Cutting down on excess fat and achieving the recommended Body Mass Index (BMI) is the central goal of any health-conscious person. And one of the best ways you can do that is by reducing the amount of food you eat or embarking on intermittent fasting.
Unfortunately, fasting or reduced meals can make you feel weak (1) or force the brain to stop working as the body adapts to the new changes. If this is your case, gastric bypass surgery may be your ultimate alternative.
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What is Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Gastric bypass surgery involves surgically separating the stomach into two sections; a bigger lower pouch and a small upper pouch. The doctor then rearranges the small intestine to connect to the new sections.
It may take up to 6 months to recover from gastric bypass surgery. But once you fully recover, it’s possible to lose up to 70% of bodyweight (2). You don’t have to struggle since the result manifests naturally.
How Does Gastric Bypass Surgery Work?
First, your surgeon or doctor will determine if you’re an ideal candidate for gastric bypass surgery. Then, you’ll be required to choose one of the two types of bypass surgery available today.
These two types of surgery work differently and will significantly impact your success path.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Surgery
During natural digestion, ingested food enters the stomach and passes through the small intestine, large intestine, and finally to the colon. The body mechanically and chemically absorbs the nutrients it requires to stay healthy and function properly in the stomach and small intestine.
With Roux-en-Y, the doctor creates a small pouch (as small as an egg) and connects it directly to the small intestine. The idea is to bypass most parts of the stomach, and in some cases, all the upper sections of the small intestine.
This new configuration results in a Y-shaped system with minimal surface area for absorption. It technically reduces the amount of fat, calories, minerals, and vitamins the body absorbs.
Extensive Gastric Bypass
Extensive gastric bypass ranks in the list of the most advanced stomach surgery ever. In this surgery, your doctor will remove a portion of the lower stomach. What remains is connected to the lower parts of the small intestine.
This configuration completely bypasses both the jejunum and duodenum. As a result, it results in intense malabsorption and can cause malnutrition in some people.
Is There Any Pain?
Your comfort is a priority during and after surgery, so you shouldn’t fear informing your doctor of any discomfort.
It’s normal to feel pain in and around the incision points during and after the surgery. Some patients also report shoulder or neck pain. Analgesia is recommended during the surgery to alleviate intense pain.
You should be able to walk, talk, and cough normally during and after the procedure since that’s the beginning of your success route. Also, you’ll have to stay in the facility for about two weeks. Afterward, the doctor will recommend over-the-counter drugs and oral medication to help alleviate home at home.
Are You an Ideal Candidate for Gastric Bypass Surgery?
While gastric bypass surgery may seem a better option to trim body weight, it’s ideally not for everyone. The best way to determine whether you’re an ideal candidate is to schedule an appointment.
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During the appointment, your doctor will conduct a test on:
Typically, you must have a BMI score of 35-39 to qualify for gastric bypass surgery. Those who are morbidly obsessed (with a BMI score of more than 40) are also candidates.
Serious co-morbidities
Additionally, the doctor will conduct a test for underlying problems such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. You’re qualified if you experience any of these conditions and with a BMI score of 35 and above. Other conditions to test for include sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, and heart disease.
Further, the doctor will test your blood for fat deposits, a condition named hyperlipidemia. If the result turns positive, then it means you risk developing heart diseases, and gastric bypass surgery can help.
Benefits of Bypass Surgery
While reducing weight is the primary reason why you should consider gastric bypass surgery, the procedure also helps:
Prevent Overeating
Gastric bypass surgery makes it nearly impossible to overeat since it reduces the stomach’s volume to about 30-45 ml. That means you won’t be able to take a large amount of food beyond the preset elastic limit.
And should you force more food into your stomach, you’ll either vomit or experience gastrointestinal problems like bloating and diarrhea.
The surgery will force you to adapt to a new set of behaviors, including eating slowly and frequently.
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Remit Type II Diabetes
Gastric bypass surgery limits body glucose and cholesterol intake. The ripple effect is the blood sugar going down and reverting to normalcy.
Enhancing Cardio-vascular health
Gastric bypass surgery greatly reduces the risk of developing peripheral and coronary heart diseases. It also minimizes the risks of death caused by stroke, myocardial infarction, and hypertension.
Significant Weight Loss
With gastric bypass surgery, you’re nearly guaranteed significant weight loss. By shrinking the stomach, you’ll feel full much faster and take only smaller food portions. A report by WebMed reveals that 70% of patients who underwent gastric bypass achieve their weight loss goals during the first 12 to 18 months (3).
Alleviate stress and depression
The morbidly obese often experience social isolation and stigma, which can result in depression and stress. Gastric bypass surgery helps trim the excess fat and body weight to reclaim self-image.
Improve overall health
Gastric bypass surgery also helps mitigate joint pain, improve pregnancy problems, and eliminate sleep apnea (4). It also enhances fertility and prevents pregnancy complications like miscarriage.
Is Gastric Bypass Surgery Expensive?
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases data, gastric bypass surgery costs between $15,000 and $25,000 (5). This amount varies depending on the facility and can be cheaper with medical cover.
Talk to your doctor now about what to do next.
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