Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Can Invisalign Really Perfect Your Teeth?
Do you have crooked and misaligned teeth? If your answer is yes, you know the challenges associated with such teeth and the need to fix them. Misaligned teeth can ruin your smile, confidence, and self-esteem, as well as your oral health. And as an adult, wearing metal braces might... Read more
Financial Assistance for Absorbent Products and Adult Diapers for Seniors
Have you ever wondered if you can get absorbent products and adult diapers at a lower price? If this is the case, you are not alone. Lots of people are constantly asking this question, and the answer is yes, anybody can get these products for a much lower price.... Read more
Improve Your Quality of Life with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator
There was a huge reliance on oxygen tanks for people who were in need of continuous oxygen therapy in the past. Compressed oxygen was filled in these oxygen tanks to provide a continuous supply of oxygen to patients. A huge disadvantage with these oxygen tanks was that they were... Read more
Are You Living with the Signs and Symptoms of COPD?
Did you know there are more than 65 million people around the world suffering from moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? “How can this be true,” you ask? COPD isn’t just one disease; it is a diagnosis that comes along with multiple conditions that can severely damage your... Read more
Everything You Need to Know About Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects the digestive tract. It is a type of IBD, or inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn’s disease is one of the two most common forms of IBD.  The other is UC, or ulcerative colitis.  Crohn’s disease has a significant impact on a person’s... Read more
Benefits of a Filler Procedure
Fillers continue to grow in popularity around the country as more and more Americans seek ways to maintain their physical health and improve their aesthetics. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2.6 million dermal filler injection procedures took place in 2018 making it the second most popular minimally-invasive... Read more
¿Podrían Los Implantes Dentales Ayudar a Perfeccionar su Sonrisa?
Los Implantes Dentales y el Impacto que Tienen en su Sonrisa ¿Es usted una persona que carece de uno que otro diente, ya sea por consumir mucho azúcar, por un accidente o incluso una pelea? ¿Ha perdido la confianza y sufre de baja autoestima por eso? Pues en ese... Read more
Personas Mayores: Así es como los Implantes Dentales Pueden Restaurar su Sonrisa
Hay muchas razones por las que la gente pierde los dientes con el tiempo. Es un problema común relacionado con la edad, entre otros factores. Aquellos que necesitan una solución permanente para la pérdida de uno o más dientes deben considerar la posibilidad de buscar un profesional en su... Read more
How To Get Your Dental Implants At Lower Costs
There are many reasons people lose teeth over time. It is a common issue related to age and other factors. People who need a permanent solution for a missing tooth or multiple teeth should consider finding a professional in their area specializing in dental implants. This method allows the... Read more
Seniors: Here’s How Dental Implants Can Help Restore Your Smile
There are many reasons people lose teeth over time. It is a common issue related to age and other factors. People who need a permanent solution for a missing tooth or multiple teeth should consider finding a professional in their area specializing in dental implants. This method allows the... Read more
Seniors: Here’s How Dental Implants Can Help Restore Your Smile
There are many reasons people lose teeth over time. It is a common issue related to age and other factors. People who need a permanent solution for a missing tooth or multiple teeth should consider finding a professional in their area specializing in dental implants. This method allows the... Read more
Obtaining A Degree In Healthcare Online Has Never Been Easier
If you are looking to get a healthcare degree online, you’re in good company. More and more people are choosing to pursue education online. Distance learning has become a more popular and viable way of getting a degree. This is even true for healthcare education. While you can’t become... Read more
Have you recently stopped for a minute to think about how well you sleep? Have you taken a look at your current mattress? Noticed anything? Perhaps it might be too old, and the wear and tear after so many years is resulting in a worse sleeping experience for you,... Read more
Ways to Boost and Strengthen Your Immune System
Your body is an incredible machine, able to run on many different fuels and adaptable to a variety of environments and variables. Included with this body is a mechanism to keep it safe from ambient bacteria and virus which we call the immune system. While we still don’t know... Read more
Occipital Bridge Is Every iPhone Fanboy’s Virtual Dream
When Google Daydream came out, I was a little bummed. It only works with Google Daydream certified phones. Daydream validated what I’ve been arguing for some time: the future of reality headsets is not more cords. For a minute I thought we would all need backpack... Read more
New Dental Implant Technology
Are you somebody who’s hesitant to get affordable dental implants because you’re not sure if dental implants are reliable? Say no more, you’re about to learn how advancements in medical technology are making dental implants the strongest, most reliable and longest lasting fix for people with missing teeth or... Read more
5 Guaranteed Fitness Predictions for 2017
In case you hadn’t noticed, after decades of near-stagnancy, fitness platforms have shifted in the last few years. Coming from the fitness industry, where we used to labor over data like market penetration, I can lend some insight. For a long time, that penetration didn’t move. We were signing... Read more
Fitbit Purchase Of Pebble Spells Trouble For Wearables
Confirming the rumors circling the two brands this week, Fitbit just purchased Pebble SmartWatch. The immediate impact of this, other than an angry Twitter feed, is the likely end of the Pebble SmartWatch. That, in and of itself, is a crime. I’m not a Pebble guy, but like most... Read more
What Should You Know About Dry Eye Syndrome
You’d be surprised to find out how many medically diagnosed eye conditions you can find. Dry eye syndrome is one of those common eye conditions that you should be aware of. The fact is that if you have dry eye syndrome, it’s essential for you to know how... Read more
Lung Cancer: Symptoms And Treatment Options
Lung cancer is, far and away, the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women, and claims more lives per year than all colon, prostate, ovarian and breast cancers combined. People who smoke are at greater risk for lung cancer, although those... Read more