Can Invisalign Really Perfect Your Teeth?
Health June 18, 2024 Tiffany Wood

Do you have crooked and misaligned teeth? If your answer is yes, you know the challenges associated with such teeth and the need to fix them. Misaligned teeth can ruin your smile, confidence, and self-esteem, as well as your oral health.
And as an adult, wearing metal braces might not be the best option. However, do not fret. There is a solution that does not require you to wear permanent metal braces. And that solution is Invisalign.
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Invisalign is an excellent solution that can help permanently straighten your teeth and correct your smile. Besides, it will solve the problems with your oral health. These braces are clear, meaning they are not easily visible, and you can wear them without anyone ever noticing them. With Invisalign, you will be able to restore your oral health, smile, and confidence all at once.
What You Need to Know About Invisalign
Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional metal braces. Based on how it effectively and effortlessly fixes your teeth, it is a great option for you. Below are some facts about Invisalign that will help you determine if it is the best teeth alignment option.
Invisalign Effortless Teeth Your TeethInvisalign is a great option in comparison to traditional braces because traditional metal braces require you to wear them for long periods. That can be several months to two years. Furthermore, you have to wear them 24/7 for that period, which can be stressful, especially for your gums.
With Invisalign, the rules are different. It does the same job as the metal braces without having anyone noticing that the clear aligners are there. Besides, you do not have to wear clear teeth aligners all day. By choosing Invisalign, you are opting to straighten your teeth with custom-designed, clear, plastic-made aligners.
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You Can Access Them Through an Orthodontist
Just like traditional metal braces, you can only access Invisalign aligners through an orthodontist. They come with a custom treatment plan suited only for your teeth. That way, they are designed to be to straighten your teeth effectively in a shorter period than traditional metal braces.
The process of accessing Invisalign [1] is as follows:
- Consultation and Professional Examination- To have your teeth fixed by Invisalign clear braces, you will have to book a consultation with an orthodontist. You can book a consultation section from a local orthodontist near you or on numerous websites on the internet that offer quality services.
After successfully booking a session, your orthodontist will examine your teeth to decide what is wrong with your teeth. It is after the examination that the orthodontist will know how to decide on the Invisalign braces to suit your mouth. Here you will learn about the length of the whole process for fixing your teeth and know what to expect by the end of the process.
- Designing A Personalized Treatment Plan- After a successful examination, your orthodontist will devise a custom and personalized treatment plan to suit you. Here, you will have a digital dental scan (no dental impression required), which will help the dentist determine a custom treatment plan for you. The treatment plan entails designing a number of Invisalign braces in an order in which they will gradually fix your teeth.
- Wearing You Custom Invisalign Clear Braces- After examining and designing the custom Invisalign braces, you will now collect them from the orthodontist’s office. Here, your doctor will give you the instructions for wearing the aligners and cleaning and maintaining them. You will also get an illustration of what you should expect from wearing clear braces.
The typical time that most doctors will instruct you to wear the Invisalign braces is anywhere between 20-22 hours [2] every day. You will also be required to switch to a new and tighter Invisalign every couple of weeks or so for the next 6-8 weeks. The orthodontist will schedule your visits during the period so that you can receive an examination to determine your progress and collect your Invisalign aligners.
That is the process of getting and wearing Invisalign clear aligners. If you stick to the doctor’s instructions, your teeth will be fixed within the speculated period. All you need to do is wear the aligners and adjust to a new one as per the doctor’s instructions.
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Why Is Invisalign the Best Choice for You?
There are various reasons why people prefer Invisalign over metal braces. Some of these reasons include their attractiveness, convenience, and ease of wearing them. These clear teeth aligners have a lot of advantages over metal braces.
One of the main reasons why they are preferred is their comfort compared to other braces. Invisalign clear aligners are custom made, which means they are designed to fit your mouth perfectly, increasing comfortability. They are seamless [3] and easy to wear and fit with your gum line and teeth effortlessly.
The second reason why Invisalign is a great choice for you is that they take a shorter time to fix your teeth compared to traditional metal braces. The company that designs Invisalign claims that these innovative clear aligners fix your teeth in about 50 percent [4] less time than traditional metal braces.
Another reason is the ease of use of these clear aligners as compared to metal braces. Metal braces can interfere with your routine because rules determine what and whatnots when wearing them. To avoid all those rules and restrictions, try Invisalign. Below are some reasons why [5] Invisalign are good at fixing teeth:
- There are no food restrictions- you can eat what you want
- No risk of breakages as there are no wires or bracelets
- It is easy to remove them, especially during meals
- It is easy to clean them, or your teeth
- Reduced emergence orthodontist visits from broken braces, injuries, or pain.
How Much Does Invisalign Cost?
One concern most people raise about Invisalign is the cost of acquiring them. Technically, all braces are expensive, and with the technology involved in making Invisalign aligners, most people shy away because they are afraid of high prices.
But that should not worry you since it is a misconception. Invisalign aligners are not that expensive, and can be covered by insurance plans [6]. Traditional braces cost anywhere between $2,500 and $6,000. Invisalign braces cost almost the same, ranging between $3,500 and $8,000. The prices may vary depending on your specific needs and wants. The bottom line is, do not expect higher costs.
Final Thoughts
As you have seen, Invisalign aligners are more advantageous than traditional metal braces. They are easy to use and clean, and they will straighten your teeth within a shorter period than metal braces. Furthermore, they don’t cost a lot more than traditional braces, and dental insurances cover the cost of acquisition. So, what are you waiting for? Fix your smile mow by getting these amazing clear teeth aligners at an affordable cost.
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