The Meat-Free Sources Of Iron You’re Going To Love
Diet December 23, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

Getting yourself in a healthy place is all about eating a balanced and varied diet. Eating your fill of vegetables, fibers and proteins can help your body to function to its best possible ability, keeping you in better shape for the future. While we all might have an idea of what a classic diet looks like, there are a number of ways we can tweak what we’re eating in order to get the best out of our nutrition. Keeping your iron levels at an optimum level is essential for your energy levels, blood count and immune system. Thought that meat was your only way to the nutrient? Think again. By turning to meat free iron sources you can get your fill of the healthy stuff while cutting out the processed meats. It’s time to eat!
- Leafy Greens

If you’re fed up of filling your plate with meat, turning to leafy greens will help you to get your fill of iron and then some. Foods like kale and spinach are packed full of the nutrient, giving your body a hefty portion of its serving when included in your meals. Try eating these kinds of vegetables at least three times during the week; you will get your recommended weekly intake of iron as well as a whole load of other essential minerals. Before long, you will be feeling all the better for it!
- Dried Fruit

While you might think you’re already familiar with all the iron packed foods out there, there are a number of items that might just take you by surprise. Take dried fruits as an example. While foods like apricot and raisins are loaded with healthy nutrients such as potassium and fiber, they are also a fantastic source of iron. A singly serving of the cup can give you up to 2.1 milligrams of iron, helping you on the way to your daily intake. Try eating food like this with your breakfast; there is no better way to start the day!
- Dark Chocolate

Eat too much chocolate and you could risk piling on the pounds but consume just enough, and you can enjoy serious health benefits. Eating a square or two of high quality dark chocolate can provide you with up to 40% of your daily iron needs. That’s no mean feat for a sweet snack. Don’t be afraid to try something with a high cocoa content; it’s the bean you’re after, not the sugar.