Getting a pet for the first time is a rollercoaster of emotions. Bringing a new life into your family can be one of the sweetest pleasures you will experience and before long, you might have seriously bonded to your new critter. What happens, then, if you suffer from allergies? Allergies to fur and animal build up can only make themselves known after the fact and by the time you start sneezing, your pet might have already settled in. There’s no need to suffer in silence. These natural cures can make your pet allergies incredibly easy to deal with and by implementing them into your routine, you can make your sniffles a thing of the past!
- Keep An Antihistamine With You

(source: netdoctor.co.uk)
While it might not be a great long term solution, using anti-histamines can be a simple and effective way to get over your allergies when they’re really flaring up. If you’re having a particularly hard day, taking the allergy relief pill will make breathing a little easier and slow down your sneezing, too. If you feel things getting worse, try carrying a small pack of the stuff with you at all times. As you’re getting to grips with your new pet, doing so can help to make solving the issue a little more easy.
- Get Rid Of Your Soft Chairs

(source: pexels.com)
If you have soft and hard chairs in your house, opt for the wood version when it comes to sitting down. Soft, upholstered chairs are a hotspot for animal fur and mites and if you sit around in them for too long, your allergies can begin to flare up. If getting rid of your soft chairs is not an option, try putting down a throw for your pets to sit on, or keeping them out of the room. You can stop fur from making its way around your home.
- Keep Your Hands Hygienic

(source: news.nationalgeographic.com)
As much as you can, try to keep your hands clean after you’ve come into contact with your pet. Touching your face after coming into contact with animal fur can cause your allergies to flare up more rapidly than usual. Before you put your hands in close contact with your eyes and face, try to give them a good wash. Taking this precaution can save you a great deal of hassle down the line.
- Invest In An Air Filter

(source: pexels.com)
If you’re living with a pet and nasty allergies, you’re going to want to keep your air cleansed at all times. While keeping your doors open might not always be an option, you can try using an air filter as a way of purifying your home atmosphere. If your cats tend to gather in a specific area of your home, try leaving the machine to work somewhere in the same area. Your air will be clearer and you will be free to breathe a little easier.
- Cover Your Air Vents

(source: pexels.com)
If you’re worried about allergens spreading throughout your home, you can take matters into your own hands. Covering your air conditioning or heating vents with a cheese cloth can reduce the spread of pet allergens throughout the house. You can also try giving your walls a good scrub every month or so. Allergens can stick to many surfaces and it’s up to you to get rid of them.
- Care For Your Pet

(source: pexels.com)
When you have allergies, you’re going to want to take even more special care of your pet. If you’re not sure how to treat their diet and wellbeing, try taking your pet to the veterinarian for a more in depth consultation. Your vet will be able to talk to you about diet, grooming habits and skin care, helping you to adapt how you’re caring for your pet. The more you know, the better you will feel.