One of the biggest stepping stones that people need to overcome to be healthier is lunchtime at work. Not only is eating out every day for lunch extremely pricey over time, most of the options you are presented with aren’t very healthy at all. Of course, you can always pack a lunch, but for some reason, not a lot of people do.
However, there exists a new “smart” lunchbox that could and should motivate more people to not only take lunch to work (thus saving them money) but will also encourage them to eat healthier. The product is called the Prepd Pack and has already generated almost $1.5 Million in crowdfunding dollars on Kickstarter. So, what makes this lunchbox so special?

(source: engadget.com)
Well, first of all, it is beautifully crafted and designed and looks like no other lunchbox you have seen before. But not only is it great looking and modern, it has functionality unlike any other lunchbox. The lunchbox is fitted to contain a versaltile system of smaller containers that can keeo your food separate.
But on top of that, their app and seamless tracking is probably the biggest selling point. On their app, you can see a wide variety of chef-inspired recipes that are not only delicious, but are custom made to perfectly fit in the smaller containers that fit inside the main case of the lunchbox. This is fantastic for meal planning, which many more people are doing in our modern and busy lives.
Outside of just being a source for recipes, the app can actually track and produce in depth nutritional information and even count your calories for you. All your data is stored in the app and can be referenced at any time. While these are not officially released yet, by backing them on Kickstarter, you will get the Prepd Pack at a discounted rate and not only that, you can help revolutionize the lunchbox.