The Superfoods To Support A Super Heart
Diet January 8, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

When it comes to lifelong health, there are few organs quite as precious as your heart. Helping to keep the blood flowing around your body, your ticker is responsible for keeping you breathing, maintaining proper internal functioning and regulating any changes in pressure. There’s a lot going on inside your body and as a result, it pays to take extra care of what you eat. Want to give your heart a little something back? Try making these superfoods a regular part of your diet. Your heart will thank you later.
- Asparagus

We’re in the midst of asparagus season and there is no better time in which to make them a regular part of your diet. As well as being packed full of essential minerals and nutrients, the vegetables are great at regulating blood pressure and lowering cholesterol in your bloodstream. Loaded with healthy vitamin K, asparagus can help to lower your risk of blood clots and keep your heart pumping healthily. It’s time to chow down.
- Dark Chocolate

Who said you couldn’t have your chocolate and eat it? As long as it’s dark, there’s as much to go round as you want. Studies have shown time and again that dark chocolate can be beneficial to our health and it turns out, they’re all true! Thanks to its high levels of antioxidants, dark chocolate can help to lower bad cholesterol in the body, in turn making it easier for the heart to pump blood around the body. Snacking on the stuff can also help to keep your arteries flexible and prevent white blood cells from sticking to their walls, all warding off heart attacks in later life. The benefits are nothing but sweet.
- Garlic

While you might prefer to ward off vampires with your garlic bulb, there’s a good reason why you should chow down on the plant instead. Helping to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure, garlic can also improve the flow of blood around the body, putting less strain on your heart and in turn, maintaining the organ’s health over time. Fresh garlic is arguably the best for your health, working its magic in the most effective way.
- Kale

There’s not much wrong with kale and if you haven’t made it a regular part of your diet, you might want to do so very soon. Packed full of an omega 3 fatty acid, the green leafy vegetable can help to support a better quality of heart health and help to prevent the hardening of the arteries. Add in the fact that it can also prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries and you’re on to a real winner.
- Olive Oil

The next time you whip up a dish, try using olive oil as the starting point. Naturally high in monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil has been consistently linked to a lower risk of heart disease, helping people to enjoy a better quality of health. What’s more, the oil is loaded with vitamin E which can help to fight off the formation of free radicals in the body. The better your body’s fighting power, the healthier your heart will be!