Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Why Is The Sauna So Good For Your Health?
After you finish a grueling workout, what do you do? Like so many others, you might hit your nearest sauna, using the heat as a way of working out your muscle tension and relaxing after  pushing your body to the max. While using the sauna is something that many... Read more
Why You Should Walk Your Way To Better Health
If you’re on a health kick, then Sunday mornings might just be all about lacing up your running shoes, dusting off your workout gear and going for a brisk jog around the park. While getting up and at ‘em is a great way of getting your heart pumping and... Read more
How To Exercise Without Exercising
Committing to a healthier, more active lifestyle is something that many of us endeavour to do but with work hours stacking up and social events to commit to, actually getting to the gym and properly working out can be difficult. Thankfully though, there is another way. While traditional exercises... Read more