We’re a generation of sugar addicts. That’s according to the experts, at least. Sugar is the biggest foodie vice that so many of us just can’t seem to give up and by eating huge quantities of it every year, we are each putting our health at serious risk. Giving up sugar entirely might not be an option but there are ways that you can significantly cut back on your daily intake. These dietician tips are bound to help you get going with the task, making it even easier for you to eat right, every time.
- Adapt Your Favorite Recipes

(source: huffingtonpost.com)
We all like a taste of something sweet every now and again. The trouble is, most of our favorite desserts come packed full of sugar, causing us to go way over our recommended daily intake. There is, however, another way. Now, there are a ton of healthy alternatives to the real deal that taste just as good and don’t come packed with the same amounts of sugar. Whipping up a frozen “nice” cream can be a great way to go. All you need to do is blend frozen bananas with your favorite berries and top with cocoa powder or cinnamon. You’ll have a bowl of something sweet and won’t go overboard with the sugar!
- Look At Your Labels

(source: pexels.com)
One of the most important things that you can do when you’re food shopping is to read the labels of the products you’re buying. Dieticians recommend getting up close and personal with ingredients lists in order to make selecting the right products all the more easy. Sugar is hiding in a huge amount of your everyday items, regardless of whether they’re sweet or not. Try recognizing sugar in all its forms – including syrups, fruit sugars and agave – so you know what you’re putting in your body.
- Do A Pantry Sweep
What can you do when you’re really craving something sweet and you know you have a tasty snack in your pantry? It might be worth doing a sweep of your food store to ensure that all sugary temptation is removed from your home. We all have certain trigger foods and for the most part, even the most steely will cannot stop us from caving in and snacking. Dieticians recommend cutting these trigger foods completely out of your home; doing so will help you to cut your sugar intake remarkably.
- Measure Out Your Sugar

(source: ucsf.edu)
Like a little sugar in your coffee? It could be time to take a closer look at how much you’re putting in your daily drink. If you’re finding it hard to cut out the sweet foods from your diet, experts recommend taking a few extra moments to measure out just how much sugar you’re putting in your hot drinks. You might not pay attention to this area of your sugar intake and by carefully measuring each spoonful, you can convince yourself to start consuming less.
- Add A Little Vinegar

(source: recipeshubs.com)
The taste of sugar is incredibly addictive and it can be seriously hard to not give in to your cravings. If you’ve got the idea of something sweet on your mind but you don’t want to pile on the sugar, using a little vinegar or salt can be a great alternative to make. If you want a little more sweetness from your fruits, adding in a touch of salt or balsamic vinegar can really intensify the flavors. Don’t go overboard, though; the acidic taste is very strong and it only takes a little bit of the stuff to bring out the sweetness of your food.