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The way things are marketed and sold can sometime be very misleading. These three beverages are often sold as a healthy option for a... 3 “Healthy” Beverages that Are Not as Healthy as You Think

The way things are marketed and sold can sometime be very misleading. These three beverages are often sold as a healthy option for a drink, but in reality they are not. Here I will mention why these beverages perceived as healthy, are really quite the opposite.

1. Diet Soda



While we all know that no soda is “good” for you, diet soda is often marketed as a more health conscious alternative to traditional soda. While this diet soda might come with zero calories, everything in it is just artificial, from the sweetener to the flavor and everything else. In fact, these diet sodas can be even worse for you than the traditional kinds. If you do drink these, do your best to limit yourself, your health will thank you.

2. Sports Drinks



While the commercials and the fact that athletes are seen drinking these may sway you, have you ever actually looked at the ingredient lists on these things? These drinks are basically liquefied sugar and food coloring mixed, they offer nothing special in terms of nutrition. And while they do have the electrolytes they claim, we get enough electrolytes in what we eat usually, so don’t fall for the traps of the marketers. Instead of electing to drink this glorified sugar water during sport, go with some good old fashioned water instead.

3. Fruit Juices



This marketing has worked so well that a majority of people, if asked, would probably believe that fruit juice is healthy for you. While yes, if you squeeze directly from the source into your cup it can be decent, the stuff you get in the boxes of jugs at the supermarket is not. The stuff is chalked full of sugar and doesn’t act in our bodies the same way actually eating fruit does. With all the sugar in most of these juices sold today, they are hardly better than drinking soda for our bodies.