Here Are 3 Super Simple Secrets For Living A Long Life
LifestyleWellness November 29, 2023 Kale Havervold

We all have a limited amount of time on this planet. Not only do we want to make the most of this time we have, we would also like to make this time last longer if at all possible. While every expert has their own tips as to how to live longer, let’s look at some of the advice and tried and true methods that have allowed certain people and cultures to live happy and long lives.
1. Be Active and Healthy

If there’s one thing that I could tell you to do to live a happier and longer life (also one of the best things you could do period) it would be to be active and healthy. What you eat and how active you are can be a huge, HUGE determinant in not only how long you live, but how good your years in old age are. Being active and healthy throughout life can be the difference between being a fresh and vibrant 80 year old, and one who is basically required to sit in a chair all day and be under constant supervision. For example, Japanese has the oldest living population in the world and it is said that their good diets and active lifestyles will help the average 60 year old in that culture to live until about 86 years old, on average.
2. A Positive and Healthy Mind

Another great secret to living a long a fruitful life is by maintaining a sharp mind, full of positive thoughts and faith. If you basically stop learning and challenging your mind once you graduate high school or university, your brain won’t be nearly as sharp, quick or healthy that it would have been if you would have continued to feed it challenges to keep it on its toes. Also, staying positive about life and not doom and glooming all the time can also go a long way in not only a longer life, but a happier one at that.
3. Be a Woman

This is likely the biggest indicator as to whether are not you are likely to live an extremely long life. There are a few reasons as to why this is. First of all, studies have shown that woman fare far better biologically in response to illness and disease, which means they can hang on longer than men can. Also, 90% of the people on the planet who have ever reached the age of 110 have been women, not men. While this isn’t so much a secret, if you are a woman, you have a much better chance of having an extremely long life than a man will.