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Coffee can be a great way to feel more alert and awake throughout the day and millions and millions of people across the world... 3 Tips to Help You Quit Coffee

Coffee can be a great way to feel more alert and awake throughout the day and millions and millions of people across the world have coffee each and every day. And while coffee and caffeine are fine in moderation, there are a ton of people out there who have way too much of it, which is no good for your health. If this is you and you are looking to quit, you’ve come to the right place.

1. Have Substitutes Ready



For a lot of people, having coffee is more of a ritual than it is a necessity. Some people are so used to having a cup every single morning that they just get one without even thinking about it, even if they don’t need it. If you want to quit coffee have another drink in place (such as water, tea or anything else) so you won’t disrupt your daily schedule too much. This could go for any time of the day when you find yourself often having coffee.

2. Wean off of it



When some people quit something they are addicted to, they try going cold turkey. While this method can work, it can be extremely difficult. A better and gentler way to quit coffee/caffeine is to simply wean yourself off of it. This can be done by gradually decreasing the amount of coffee you are drinking every day until you are finally drinking none. It is important to keep with this as if you break it and have more than you were supposed to, all of your effort will be wasted and you will have to go right back and do it all over again.

3. Do it With a Friend



Misery loves company, and I have heard that quitting coffee can be hard if you are used to having a ton of it. If you can find a willing friend who is also looking to give up coffee, doing it together can help you both. This is because you could support each other on the journey and be there to help each other when the times get tough. Having someone with you that knows what you’re going through can be a great thing.