Apple Cider Vinegar: The Health Boosting Cure
Wellness September 22, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

Apples and health seem to go hand in hand. While eating the real thing might already be a part of your healthy routine, using them in their various guises might be even better for keeping you in shape. It might be one of the lesser known versions of the fruity drink, but apple cider vinegar is packed full of healthy benefits. As well as working wonders around the home, the liquid is bursting with nutritional purposes that, once you get a sniff of, might change your mind entirely about the stuff. Glasses at the ready!
- Regulating Your Skin

The more acidic your skin pH level gets, the more trouble you’re likely to experience in the complexion department. By regulating the state of your skin, you will suffer from fewer breakouts, keep things looking younger and tone up your complexion. And how can you achieve these results? With the use of apple cider vinegar, of course! Using the liquid to treat any breakouts or irritations can help to whip your complexion into shape in no time at all. Simply dilute a little of the stuff on a cotton ball, apply to the affected area and watch as it works its magic!
- Boosting The Quality Of Your Hair

The hunt for shinier hair is a serious thing and if you’re fed up of chemical cures that simply don’t work, you might want to take a look at what mother nature has to offer you. Apple cider vinegar is seriously effective when it comes to buffing up your natural hair follicles and by rinsing your hair with the stuff after shampooing, you can experience brighter, shinier hair. Better yet, the liquid can work wonders on dandruff, helping you to stay flake free and happy!
- Removing Dental Stains

Whiter teeth often come with a price tag and if you’re looking for an alternative way to treat stains, you might find yourself struggling against a lot of useless options. Until now, that is. Gargling with apple cider vinegar day and night can be one of the most effective ways to keep your smile bright and shiny, without the need to use harsh chemicals. You can even use the stuff directly on your toothbrush for a whiter effect; easy peasy!
- Treating Sunburn

With the rise in temperatures, it’s more than likely that you will be spending some time in the sun and when you do, you increase your risk of burning through UV rays. If things are looking a little too pink in the skin department, you can turn to apple cider vinegar as an effective way to soothe your sores. Adding half a cup of apple cider vinegar to a bucket of water can be a very effective way to bath your skin after spending too long in the sun. Leave the water to do its magic and pat your skin dry; you might be surprised by the results!