Body Hacks

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Tropical fruits are some of the most delicious treats in the natural world but it turns out, they could be good for a whole... Here’s Why You Need To Be Eating More Kiwis

Tropical fruits are some of the most delicious treats in the natural world but it turns out, they could be good for a whole lot more than eating alone. Bursting with nutritional benefits and balanced vitamins, tropical fruits can be used to treat a whole range of health issues; it’s all about how you look at them. When it comes to hidden potential, kiwi fruits might just be one of the very best out there and if you’ve only been using the food as part of a healthy salad, you might have been seriously missing out. Small but mighty, kiwi fruits can work wonders on your health and as soon as you see their benefits, you might never look at them in the same way!

  1. Fights Off Free Radicals


Molecules that can build up over time in your body, free radicals can increase your risk of developing certain diseases throughout your life. There is a natural way to combat the molecules, however, and by eating foods that are high in antioxidants, you can effectively reduce the number of free radicals that are present in your body. High in vitamin C, kiwis can work wonders in this process, helping to protect your body from the development of a number of nasty diseases. The more often that you eat the fruit, the fewer free radicals you will have!

  1. Boosts Collagen Production


Want better skin? Kiwis might just be the natural answer. Thanks to the high quantities of vitamin C in kiwi fruits, they can help to boost the formation of collagen in your body, in turn increasing the elasticity of your skin. The higher the amount of collagen that you have throughout your life, the better quality your skin will be in as you get older. Upping your consumption of fruits brimming with vitamin C – which boosts production – is one of the best ways in which to do this!

  1. Regulates Diabetes


Dealing with diabetes is a life changing thing and in order to keep your symptoms under control, you might look towards a range of natural cures. If you want to eat a healthy diet without messing with your glucose levels, fruits like kiwis are the way to go. Containing a low glycemic index, kiwi fruits won’t cause your blood glucose levels to raise beyond control, making it easier for your body to process the natural sugars. The more balanced your glucose levels, the better that you can feel!

  1. Cares For Your Vision


Taking care of your eyesight is one of the most important things to do when you’re in good shape and there are a number of simple ways that you can keep your vision in tip top shape. High in a molecule called lutein, kiwis can help to prevent a number of diseases in the eye by filtering out harmful UV light. Protecting your body from environmental factors can make all the difference to your health, so make sure you take it into account today.

  1. Enhances Bone Repair


Are things sounding a little creaky when you move? It could be time to think about the health of your bones. Providing incredibly high quantities of vitamin K, kiwis can help to keep your bones in great shape and stronger over time. Getting your fill of vitamin K can ensure that your body has the capability to produce a sufficient supply of calcium. The more calcium that is present in your body, the fewer bone related issues you will suffer from in later life.

  1. Helps You To Fall Asleep


Too many things keeping you up at night? You might be tempted by a number of chemical cures but there’s good reason why you should turn to mother nature before all else. High in serotonin, kiwis are renowned for their ability to help you fall asleep at night and making them a regular part of your diet can seriously boost your wellbeing and health. Eating more of the fruit can enhance both sleep time and efficiency, meaning you get a better night’s rest in order to take on what the world throws your way!