Want to go meatless this week? There’s a ton of ways that you can get your veggie fix and better yet, you might not even miss your regular side of steak! Laying off the meat from time to time is a great way to improve the state of your cardiovascular system, reduce your risk of developing diabetes in life, keep your waistline under control and even protect yourself from certain strains of cancer. Vegetables can be a great source of protein and fiber, helping to boost your body’s healing power and keep you feeling full for just as long as their meaty counterparts. Are you ready to go meatless for your meals? Step right this way.

(source: closetcooking.com)
Sprouts are one of the healthiest vegetables out there and incorporating more of them in your meals can pay off in a big way down the line. This hearty hash makes a great breakfast or brunch time option, for those mornings where you have a little extra time. Packed full of softly cooked eggs and rich mushrooms, the dish packs a mean protein punch and will leave you feeling fuller for longer. You can try whipping up the meal after a long day at the office or keeping leftovers fresh in a seal tight box.

(source: acleanbake.com)
The vegetarian dish to end all vegetarian dishes, ratatouille is one of the most effective ways to load up on your veggie portion at dinner time and enjoy a hearty meal at the same time. Slowly cooked and reduced, the dish is a sort of vegetable stew and is best when served up with crusty, wholemeal bread. Making a larger batch is a great way to see you through the week and give you a healthy, easy option for those evenings when you simply can’t bring yourself to cook.

(source: liveeatlearn.com)
Want something that’s loaded with flavor and won’t pile on the calories? You need to try these roasted chickpea gyros. Perfect for a hearty lunch or laid back dinner time, the gyros can be pulled together in virtually no time at all and will help to keep you satisfied until your next meal comes around. The roasted chickpeas are bursting with even more flavor than you might expect, transforming the texture of the veggie wraps.

(source: soupaddict.com)
Sometimes, only a little spice will do and when you’re looking for something flavorsome and healthy, these guacamole tacos are the very thing. Packed full of avocados, black beans, corn and peppers, these tacos are a much healthier take on the traditional recipe, helping you to get a balanced mix of nutrients while chowing down on something downright delicious. The perfect party food, the tacos probably won’t last for very long!

(source: wholeandheavenlyoven.com)
One of the tastiest takes on a classic recipe, this vegetarian minestrone soup is so good that you might not even realize it contains no meat! Packed full of flavor and guaranteed to keep you full all day long, the soup does away with all of the unhealthy ingredients of the traditional version, instead giving you the opportunity to load up on your vegetables in the process. A bowl of this after a long day at the office will set everything right once more.