The New Superfoods For A Better Body
Diet January 14, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

For so long, we’ve been told about the benefits of superfoods. Great for our hearts, effective against degenerative diseases, superfoods can help to transform our health in a myriad of ways, enabling us to feel better, brighter and all round healthier. When it comes to the best of the best, you might think that you already have all of the information but it turns out, what we already know might just be the beginning. Now, there are a ton of incredible foods on the market and the more that is found out about them, the better they seem to get. Move over blueberries, there’s some new kids on the block and they have some serious healing power.
- Goji Berries

Nature’s miracle worker, berries have a whole load of benefits to your body and mind and packing your diet full of them is just one way in order to boost your health. While you might already eat your fair share of the food, there are a whole load more to be tried and once you get going, you might find yourself on a berry rampage. Filled with vitamin C, antioxidants and mineral compounds, goji berries are one of the healthiest foods on the market and can dramatically improve your health. As well as boosting your immune system, you can expect the fruit to improve your circulation and clear up your eyesight. There’s a lot of healing power in the tiny berry.
- Cacao

Do you love chocolate but are trying to watch what you eat? You need to take a look at cacao. Raw cocoa powder, cacao is packed full of healthy benefits and can lend any food the rich, chocolatey flavor that you might be missing in your diet. Known to help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to essential organs, the natural powder also contains virtually no fat and is very low in calories. Incorporating cacao powder into your morning oats can help to keep your body’s defenses topped up, all while giving you your chocolate fix. Who said healthy couldn’t be tasty?
- Seaweed

Thanks to seaweed’s healing powers, you now have more excuses than ever to load up on your next sushi order. Packed with omega 3 fatty acids, seaweed can effectively help to banish free radicals from the bloodstream, helping to ward off heart attack and stroke. Better yet, the plant is known to help support strong and healthy bones, keeping your body in better health long into the future.
- Maca Powder

Another naturally potent powder, maca is filled with all sorts of incredibly health benefits. Otherwise known as an adaptogen, the powder is often used as a way of beating fatigue and improving endurance, helping the body to repair from damage over a period of time. While the powder can be easily incorporated into baked recipes, it is just as easily enjoyed sprinkled over breakfast oats or as part of a smoothie. Adaptable, healthy and tasty; now that’s something we can all get behind!
- Black Garlic

While you might be more familiar with its white colored cousin, black garlic could be even better for your health. Named for its dark colored bulbs, black garlic has long been incorporated into Asian dishes, known to be beneficial to many areas of health. As well as packing the body full of cancer healing nutrients, the bulb can help to internalize the state of your internal organs, minimizing any built up damage and keeping things running smoothly.
- Hemp Seeds

One of the most versatile natural products out there, hemp seeds can be used in a huge number of ways and when incorporated into a healthy diet, they have incredible healing powers. High in both protein and amino acids, the seeds can help to effectively repair muscle wastage and loss, leading to a stronger, more healthy you. What’s more, they are a great source of magnesium, potassium and omega-3 and can be easily incorporated into most healthy dishes; the benefits are truly endless!