Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

These 5 Bad Habits Could Be Causing Your Headaches
Most headaches come and go but when you’re dealing with them on a regular basis, they can quickly become a pain in the neck. While daily stresses and anxieties can lead to the odd headache or two, there are other habits that can make you feel a whole lot... Read more
You Need To Stop These Toxic Habits
Making a real change in your life starts from the inside out. The types of habits that you pick up over time can be hard to shed but if they’re not doing anything positive for your health, it’s in your best interests to shake them off as quickly as... Read more
Could These Bad Habits Be Zapping Your Energy?
How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Do you spring out of bed, full of energy for the day ahead or instead, do you find it harder and harder to wake up, losing more motivation with each passing day? Lacking the energy in order to... Read more
Here Are 4 Ways To Eliminate Your Unhealthy Habits
Even though we might have the best intentions when it comes to our health, we all have at least one bad eating habit that can set us back. Eliminating unhealthy habits might be the hardest step when it comes to getting back on track but over time, cutting them... Read more