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Negative thinking is something that each and every goes through from time to time. Not only is it annoying and upsetting, but it can... Three Tips to Minimize Negative Thinking

Negative thinking is something that each and every goes through from time to time. Not only is it annoying and upsetting, but it can sometimes ruin your day or even longer. There is no way to completely eliminate periodic negative thinking, but what you can do is be able to live with it in a positive way or minimize the thoughts. Here are three tips to help you keep that negative thinking in check.

1. You Can’t Possibly Know Everything



Oftentimes, our negative thoughts come from something that may be going on with someone else. Whether it was a bad date, your crush isn’t texting you back or you got in a fight with your friend, things like this (and so much more) can lead us to overanalyze, which often lead to negative thoughts. In life, we have to be okay with uncertainty, as we can never stop it. There is no use trying to read peoples mind, as we can’t know everything going on there. Also, don’t assign a negative meaning to something before you have evidence to do so as that can obviously fuel more negative thinking.

2. Keep Busy



When we are just sitting around doing nothing, we tend to think a lot more. And when we think a lot more, more negative thoughts are bound to come about. You will notice that if you are engaged in some way whether it be work, hanging out with friends/family or anything else, you will have less time to think about the negative thoughts. Of course, this shouldn’t be the only thing you do to attack your negative thoughts, but it can be a good way to keep them at bay.

3. Don’t Give Negativity the Time of Day



This is perhaps the best thing you can do to keep negative thoughts in check. By not giving these thoughts (or negativity in general) the time of day, we won’t suffer from them as long. Overanalyzing and constantly having these negative thoughts can ruin your day. While it is not easy to block out these thoughts, it can be done. If you sense some negative and harmful thoughts coming along, it is best to either think about something positive, find something to keep yourself busy or find someone to talk to and keep your mind off of the negativity.