Water, water everywhere; are you getting enough to drink? With so many other things piling up on your plate, getting enough water into your system can get thrown to the backbench and yet, not drinking enough can have serious ramifications on your health. Filling your body with the right kinds of fluids can ensure that you have enough energy to focus on your tasks, digest your food properly, keep your muscles energized and boost the appearance of your skin, as well as a whole list of other benefits. While you might try your best, sometimes, you might not get enough and if any of these things are affecting you, it could be time to take a look at the amount you’re drinking in a day.
- Your Mouth Is Dry

(source: ladyinhome.com)
Thirst can first be felt in the mouth and if you’re constantly feeling dry, it could be a sign that you’re not getting your fill of water. A dry mouth can be sign of mild dehydration and if you let it linger for too long, you might put other areas of your body at risk. Try sipping on a large glass of water throughout the day. That way, you can help to keep things refreshed and hydrated and will be more inclined to drink regularly.
- You Can’t Quench Your Thirst

(source: reference.com)
If you have a sudden, deep craving for a lot of water, it could be a sign that you’re simply not getting enough. Failing to drink the right kinds of fluids throughout the day can lead to this kind of feeling in the evening, leading you to purge yourself on water. Similarly, alcohol can cause this effect, leading your body to want to drink a lot of water in a short space of time. When it comes to proper hydration, little and often is the mantra that you want to live by.
- Your Joints Are Aching

(source: innovationsfitness.com)
While the majority of your body is made up of water, few areas contain as much as your cartilage and spinal discs, which are 80% fluid content. If you feel like your joints are aching and creaking as you’re walking, then, it could be a sign that they’re not sufficiently hydrated. By drinking enough water, you can help to keep your cartilage full of water, making its job of providing support against the shocks of physical movement a whole lot more easy.
- You Feel Suddenly Fatigued

(source: healthzone5.com)
While feelings of fatigue and lethargy could be tied up with more serious health issues, if there’s nothing obviously wrong, it could merely be a sign that you’re not drinking enough water. When your body is dehydrated, it takes fluid out of your blood to counteract the change. As a result, your blood becomes less fully oxygenated, leading to a cut in the amount of the stuff being transported around your body. If you find yourself suddenly flagging, try taking a long, cool sip on a glass of water. You might be surprised at just how quickly you can feel better.