Body Hacks

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Getting more out of your day is all about boosting your productive power and while your concentration lies in the brain, the things you... These Eating Habits Will Curb Your Productivity

Getting more out of your day is all about boosting your productive power and while your concentration lies in the brain, the things you put in your body could have a greater effect on it than you initially thought. Certain eating habits are naturally conducive to energy loss, a lack of concentration and poor motivation levels and the more you include them in your lifestyle, the less productive that you might begin to feel. What if there were another way? By simply pinpointing the problems that might lie in your eating habits, you can begin to make effective changes and get the most out of your diet. When it comes to productivity, you really are what you eat.

  1. Skipping Breakfast


When you’re in a rush or trying to lose weight, you might think skipping breakfast is a good idea. By the time 11am rolls around, however, you’re more likely to find your energy lagging, your productivity missing entirely and your hand in the cookie jar. Skipping breakfast is one of the most common reasons that we lack the energy to get more done whereas in fact, eating first thing in the morning can help you to make healthier choices throughout the day. Eating a healthy, high fiber breakfast can swing your metabolism into work and help you to get started for the day.

  1. Snacking On Unhealthy Foods


Skipping breakfast and unhealthily snacking go hand in hand; the less you eat in the morning, the more likely you are to make bad eating choices later in the day. While keeping your glucose level at a consistent level can help to fuel your thinking power, making it dramatically spike and recline – as it does when exposed to refined foods – can only leave you feeling worse off. In order to avoid a sudden energy dip, try swapping in your normal snacks for nuts, seeds or fruits. You will still get the same energy kick but you won’t end up regretting it afterwards.

  1. Overeating At Lunch


By the time that lunchtime comes around, you might be ready to eat a horse and while it is a good idea to have a filling, healthy meal at the middle of the day, eating too much can seriously mess with your energy levels. In fact, overeating has been linked to more food cravings, increased feelings of hunger and lower levels of satisfaction. To stop yourself from feeling hungry later in the day, try whipping up a salad for your lunch, filled with vegetables and whole grains. You can keep your energy levels at a consistent level and stop yourself from eating too much, too fast.

  1. Not Drinking Enough


Water is vital to so many of our most important processes and yet, so many of us don’t get our daily fill of the stuff. Failing to drink enough water throughout the day can lead to dehydration much more rapidly than you would think, wreaking havoc on your attention levels, focus and mood. In order to avoid a dry spell, try keeping a large bottle of water on your desk at all times. Sipping at it throughout the day will help to keep your fluid levels topped up and your mind sharp.

5. Eating At Your Desk



Had a busy day? You might choose to have lunch at your desk. It turns out, however, that gluing yourself to your computer for the day can have an adverse effect on your levels of concentration, making it much more difficult to get things done. In order to really boost your working power, make sure you take regular breaks from your working space, leaving the office during your lunch hour in order to eat. Taking time out will leave you feeling remarkably more relaxed and by the time you come back, you will feel refreshed and ready to go once more!