5 Of The Best Moves To Tone Up Your Butt
Fitness February 22, 2025 Hannah Lamarque

Want to really kick your body into shape? It’s time to shape up your backside! Strength building and toning exercises can work wonders on the muscle, helping to get rid of any excess fat and shape up your body in one fell swoop. These easy exercises can be incorporated into any fitness routine without even a second thought, helping you on the way to your dream body even faster than you had imagined!
- Step Ups

(source: popsugar.com)
Great for your legs, core and butt, step ups really are a miracle exercise. Incorporating the move into a circuits or aerobic workout can make the difference to your muscle tone, giving your butt a serious lift. All you need to perform the move is a sturdy chair or exercise bench, making sure to keep your back straight as you step up. For an extra bonus, try lifting your leg to a 90 degree angle when you’re on the chair. You will test your balance and tone up your muscles, too!
- All Fours

(source: popsugar.com)
For a tough butt workout, this move is designed to whip you into shape. Using an exercise mat, position yourself so that you’re on all fours. Round your back towards the ceiling and pull your abs towards the floor. When you’re in position, lift one of your legs towards the ceiling and keep it at a 90 degree angle. Point your toes towards the ceiling and begin making small pulses upwards, continuing for 15-20 repetitions. Complete the move on the other side of your body and feel the burn.
- Side Kick All Fours

(source: popsugar.com)
If you’re still on your exercise mat, you can try completing this move after you’ve finished your all fours pulses. Keeping your body in the same starting position, lift your right leg so that it is parallel to the floor. Now, keep your right thigh still as you straighten out your right knee, kicking your leg out to the side at the same time. Bend your knee back the starting position and begin the move again. After 20 reps, you can move onto the next side in order to even out the workout.
- Plank Leg Lifts

(source: popsugar.com)
While the plank is a great move for the whole body, you can try switching up the move a little in order to really tone up your butt. Using an exercise ball, lie with your belly flat on the ball, slowly walking out your hands so the ball is underneath your shins. Drop your navel down a little to stabilize your body and lift your right leg into the air, slowly bending it down towards the ball when you’re done. Continue to move for 20 reps and then carefully shift your weight to the other side, being sure to use your core as your central balance point.
- Jump Squats

(source: popsugar.com)
While classic squats will do your butt a whole lot of good, the jump squat can be even better for toning up your backside! Beginning with your feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees down into a full squat position. Next, jump as explosively as you can, using your arms to propel your body upwards if need be. When you land, lower yourself back into the squatting position and repeat the move again, completing 3 sets of 12 repetitions.