5 Ways To Stay Motivated At The Gym
Fitness March 27, 2024 Hannah Lamarque

We all start our fitness journeys with the best of intentions. New kit in hand, schedule outlined, we hit the gym every day that we intended to do and over time, we might notice out fitness gradually improving. After months of doing the same thing, however, we can start to become a little tired of the whole thing and before long, our motivation might be missing entirely. Staying motivated at the gym can often be a very hard thing to achieve and unless we consistently change our approach, we begin to suffer. The trick is to catch it before it comes; boredom is a normal part of life but by staying on top of our routines, we can avoid hitting a lull and keep improving our levels of fitness. Lacklustre energy will be no more!
- Enlist A Gym Buddy

(source: pexels.com)
When we work out with someone else, we become more accountable for our routines. Enlisting a gym buddy with whom to exercise is a great way to keep your motivation levels high and encourage you to keep going to the gym. When either one of you is suffering, you can motivate the other person, pushing each other to achieve your fitness goals. Having someone to support you through your workout can be all that it takes to keep going and after it’s all done, you might just feel the better for it.
- Track Your Progress

(source: centerfinplan.com)
Do you want to achieve a specific fitness goal? Working out with a clear intention can be a great way in which to keep going. While weighing yourself every day or constantly testing your speed can actually have detrimental effects to your progress, you can keep an eye on your progress from time to time to see just how far you’ve come. Doing things like monthly weigh ins or weekly rep tests can help to keep you pushing further to achieve your goal; the more you try, the more you can achieve!
- Set Short Term Goals

(source: planyourmeetings.com)
While looking at the bigger picture is a healthy way to keep up your fitness habit, having a goal too far in advance can interfere with your levels of motivation. In order to keep things ticking over in the meantime, you can try setting yourself a number of short term goals every few weeks. When you’re working towards something in the short term, every fitness session that you undertake really counts towards meeting that goal. Thinking of where you want to be can help to motivate you a huge amount, making short term goals a great deal more achievable.
- Switch Up Your Workout

(source: pexels.com)
Getting stuck in a fitness rut is something that happens to all of us and being creatures of habit, it’s easy to follow the same routine time after time. In order to avoid boredom in the gym, try having a number of different routines and switching between them. One session, you might like to focus on your cardio health while another can be all about building strength. Focusing on different areas of your body will help you to build up a better level of fitness and will stop your mind from wandering in the process.
- Listen To Music

(source: pexels.com)
Listening to music is one of the best ways that we can motivate ourselves to do anything and when it comes to fitness, there are few better things in order to get going. Having a specific workout playlist can help to pump up your workout and encourage you to get going, even when you’re not feeling motivated. If you’re finding it hard to get going, try listening to a few tracks before you go and getting into the right frame of mind. Sometimes, one song is all it takes to get going.