Whether you’re a gym bunny or a lone runner, cardio workouts are essential to maintaining your overall health and getting your heart rate pumping from time to time can stand you in great stead for the future. Typically, a cardio workout will raise your resting heart beat, boost your metabolic flow and increase the capacity and efficiency of your lungs. Getting your body to use up more energy, high intensity fitness is also a phenomenal way of burning off those extra calories and getting rid of any unwanted body fat. Making the most out of your cardio workout is a sure fire way to stay feeling fit and looking your best and if you follow these extra workout tips, you might just master your next fitness session more easily than you had imagined!
- Start, Stop and Start Again

(source: ask.com)
The benefits of interval training are too numerous to list off and from whatever angle you look at the fitness regime, it can help to boost your health in a whole range of ways. Incorporating high intensity interval training into your next workout session is a fantastic way of working your heart muscles, improving your recovery time and burning off a whole load of extra calories. Whatever your chosen activity is, make sure you intersperse your sprint sessions with a little rest before you get going again; it’s all about the balance in interval training and you need to stop in order to really make the most of the session.
- Combine Your Workouts

(source: fitnessbin.com)
While you might prefer running, cycling or swimming as a way of getting fit, studies have repeatedly shown that mixing up your workout might be the best way to make the most out of your cardio session. Combined strength and cardio sessions can help to produce lasting results within as little as eight minutes, helping you to tone up and work out your heart in one fell swoop. If you don’t want to join classes to do this, you can simply incorporate body weight exercises into your resting period to make the most out of your next workout.
- Pick Up The Pace

(source: fitnessroot.com)
Want to push your body that extra mile? Running sprints are a great way to elevate your cardio workout and improve your health in a shorter period of time. Treadmills are a simple way of going that little bit faster, providing you with extra support and bounce for when you’re running for longer bursts. You can also check on your speed over a significant period of time, pace yourself and mark your progress; there’s a lot to be said about picking up the pace!
- Up The Incline

(source: health-actually.com)
Cardio workouts are all well and good but from time to time, you might find your fitness level plateauing. To offset any setbacks you might experience, you can push your body a little further by upping the incline when you’re running on the treadmill. Combining a faster speed and a steeper incline can help to increase your heart rate when you workout, burning off a whole load of extra calories. Doing so will also effectively strengthen your legs and core, improve your running form and sharpen up your sprint!
- Add In Some Kettlebells

(source: kettlebellmaster.com)
If you’re using weights as a way of upping your cardio routine, few do it as well as kettlebells. Enabling you to do active movements while piling on the weight, kettlebells will add in just enough resistance to help you to improve your strength and tone up your entire body. You can try pairing the weights with movements like burpees, jump squats and mountain climbers and watch as the calories just get burned up.
- Grab A Coffee

(source: pexels.com)
Want to get more out of your workout? Grabbing a cup of coffee before you go might just be the answer. A dose of caffeine before you go can be all that you need to improve your endurance, increase your athletic power and go that bit faster along the way. Drinking just one cup of coffee could be all that it takes to supercharge your routine and go that extra mile longer. Make sure to sufficiently hydrate during and after you workout, too; you need to replace essential body fluids in order to really enjoy the benefits of your exercise!