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When you ask people what their biggest fears are of all time are, public speaking in front of a large group is often very... Become Proficient at Public Speaking With These Three Tips

When you ask people what their biggest fears are of all time are, public speaking in front of a large group is often very close to the top of that list. It is a major phobia for most people and here are three great tips that can help you lose that fear, at least a little bit.

1. Memorize Concepts and Not the Actual Content



When some people are doing a speech or public speaking in some other form, they tend to only study their script they created and try to recite that word for word. This is not a good way to do the speech as it seems as if you are speaking like a robot with no deviation or personality. In order to combat this, you should remember the concept you are talking about and not just the content you created. If you study and remember that concept, you will be able to talk about it in a wider view without the need to recite a direct script.

2. Embrace the Nerves



Being nervous and scared is completely normal before a speech and everyone pretty much goes through it. The difference between those great speakers and ones who struggle with it is how they approach the nerves. If you let the nerves get the best of you, they can kill your speech but if you embrace them, they can help you. Think of the stress and nerves as your bodies way of preparing to do battle and tackle whatever is ahead of you.

3. Practice Makes Perfect



This is a monumental step and tip if you want to be a great speaker. You can never become proficient at anything unless you practice and hone your craft; and this is no different with public speaking. By knowing your subject matter and being able to articulate it while practicing, it will help a lot when you are actually up in front of everyone about the do the speech for real.