Relaxation is an incredibly important part of staying fit and healthy. Having the means in which to switch off, decompress and let go of any stress can help you to sleep at night and make the right kinds of choices in your day to day life. If you’re overloaded with work and personal issues, however, finding a quiet moment in which to let it all go can seem practically impossible. It’s time to turn to technology. Thanks to the rise of the app, there are a huge number of fitness tools out there that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. These meditation apps are some of the very best out there, helping you to make the most of your down time.

(source: headspace.com)
As well as being endorsed by Emma Watson, Headspace is free to download and can be adapted to meet your individual needs. Highly revered in its simplicity, the app can be taken with you offline, making it easier to use different kinds of meditation when you’re on the go. Helping you to tap into good breathing practices and a calmer mindset, this app might just change the way you react to stress when it hits.

(source: youtube.com)
If you’re new to meditation and aren’t sure how seriously you want to take the whole thing, Buddhify can help. Taking a more playful approach to relaxation, the app will ease you into the subject and make it a more permanent part of your life. If you’re plagued with specific problems, such as not being able to sleep or turbulent emotions, the app can fine tune its services to help unpack what’s troubling you. Customizable and user friendly, this might just be one of the most accessible apps around.

(source: happy-mothering.com)
Created by a meditation coach, OMG. I Can Meditate is free, easily adaptable and highly accessible. Thanks to its structure, the app enables you to select your meditation program according to how much time you have, what relationship you want to focus on and which issue might be clouding your judgment. This app makes it easier for you to approach the subject, and you can go as far on your meditation journey as you would like.

(source: doyouyoga.com)
There’s something to be said about waking up on the right side of the bed. If you approach your early morning wake up call in the right way, you can make even more out of your day and feel all the better for it. The Yoga Wake Up Alarm Clock lets you do exactly that, enabling you to time your wakeup call around a relaxing yoga routine. You have the choice of either yoga or meditation activities to get you going, letting you take back control of your mornings.

(source: listsforlife.net)
As simple as its name suggests, Calm is highly customizable, letting you make the most out of every meditation experience. You can choose from anything like “7 days of self esteem” or “21 days of calm”. You can adapt your meditation from anything between 5 minutes up to 30 minutes of deep sleep, letting you get as in depth as you like. Relaxing, customizable and highly effective, Calm might just be an app that stays with you for the long haul.