How To Get Enough Fiber In Your Diet
Diet August 15, 2024 Kale Havervold

We all know eating a balanced and healthy diet is important; yet, very few of us actually get one. And perhaps one of the most widely neglected parts of our diet is fiber. Getting enough fiber can have a ton of dietary benefits and not getting enough can cause some problems too. Here are three great ways to make sure you are getting enough fiber in your diet.
1. Read the Labels

Food products come with labels on them for a reason. Too many people simply disregard these labels, when they really should be looked at by everyone. These hold a ton of great information, including the items fiber content. Fiber is in a lot of things you may not think it is, so observing the packaging is a huge help in getting more fibre. And if the item has no label, searching for its nutrition facts online is a big help too.
2. Supplement if Necessary

According to the institute of medicine, women need about 25 grams of fiber a day and men should take in about 38. While these numbers are attainable by food and you should do your best to get all of it from food, supplementation can be necessary at times. There are a number of different fiber supplements out there to choose from such as Metamucil, Benefiber and more. If you use these, it is important to read and follow the guidelines on the packaging.
3. Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

This is like hitting two birds with one stone. Another thing that most people struggle with is getting enough fruits and veggies in your diet. Fruits and veggies have some of the highest fiber content out there as well as the multiple other benefits they come with. If you find yourself not getting enough fiber, try upping your fruits and veggie consumption and your body will thank you.