Gloveone Will Let You Touch Virtual Reality
LifestyleNewsTech September 28, 2024 Damon Mitchell

There’s no denying it. We’re super excited about virtual reality (VR) technology. It comes up so often at BodyHacks, “VR is cool,” is practically our refrain.
It should come as no surprise that we are equally excited about the peripheral market developing around VR. It was inevitable. Our new favorite: Gloveone, by Nuerodigital Technologies.
Rather than manipulate a controller, Gloveone allows users to interact with their virtual space more like they interact with the real world.
It not only allows users to interact with their virtual world but allows developers to build on the platform.
Expect a more immersive VR experience wearing Gloveone, customizable if you are so inclined. Also expect to wait a little longer. Gloveone’s gloves are not available in stores yet.
The current controllers for VR are handheld devices, in some cases, the exact same controllers gamers have been using for years.
Most VR companies have figured out that these controllers take players out of the experience, so they’ve created less obtrusive devices.
The best of them, work with each hand separately. They stay close to the palm and digits, better simulating individual hand interactions.
The question Gloveone begs is, why have players hold anything? The ideal immersive experience would be nothing on our hands, one where we could simply engage our environment like the real world.
Gloveone does this. It allows players to sense the weight of virtual objects, interact with buttons or game elements, feel different textures, sounds waves and receive haptic warnings. It also tracks motion and hand orientation.
The SDK for Gloveone is downloadable right now. You can’t yet buy the product in stores, but developers can download the development kit with no strings attached. Now that is open source.
There are some limitations, though. Gloveone does not work with all game engines, the platforms which facilitate creating the worlds in which virtual environments exist.
It does, however, work with the most popular engines with plans for expansion on the horizon. Within that framework, developers are able to push the capabilities of the gloves.
The Razer HDK 2 pairs well with Gloveone. The two appeared in unison at the Razer booth at the 2016 Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3). No surprise there. Both products aim to make VR more accessible, more customizable for everyone.
Almost Here
The Gloveone has surpassed it’s crowdsourcing goals. It’s not vaporware. It will be purchasable, but there’s one sticking point.
If you didn’t jump on the Kickstarter campaign, then you will be waiting like the rest of us. What price you pay and when you can buy one is anyone’s guess.
The Kickstarter campaign had pledges in excess of $200, so it won’t be cheap. Worth it? The market will dictate that answer. You’ll have to decide for yourself.
If you want to stay on top of all things Gloveone, you can sign up for their mailing list. Go to the bottom of this page.
This is one wearable that we have to (as in, have-to-have-to) own, whatever the cost. In fact, sign us up for version 2.0 right now.
As virtual environments develop, so too must the tools we use to experience them. The next step will be full body wearables, further immersing us into those environments.
Then we’ll all be Lawnmower Man, leaving our bodies to live in the virtual world.
Sorry, calming down. It’s just all so exciting.