Halo Is A Wearable Hack To Increase The Speed Of Your Athletic Learning
NewsTech March 12, 2025 Damon Mitchell

Housed in a package that looks like a pair of Beats by Dre, Halo sends electrical impulses to your brain, which stimulate it to speed your learning curve. The actual science is a little above our pay grade, but the core of what Halo does is something anyone can grasp. Halo makes you better, sooner.

(Source: haloneuro.com)
While it may sound a little like pseudo-science, something with which we’re all too familiar with in wearable tech, it’s not.
The science behind Halo goes beyond academic learnings. The possibilities are massive, not just for athletes, but for anyone who wants to speed up neuromuscular learning.
The best part of this device is that it doesn’t look like something from a lab.
The Science

(Source: haloneuro.com)
It’s called neuropriming. Don’t feel bad if you’ve never heard of it. Neither has my spell checker.
Neuropriming increases the number of signals sent from your brain to your muscles. If you were trying to perfect your shooting skills, it would be like receiving the benefit of ten or fifty shots for every single attempt.
This is the science of repetition, multiplied. Halo makes practice more productive. The way it does this is by stimulating the part of your brain that controls this communication with your muscles.
Before you conjure visions of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, understand the stimulation is non-invasive. It’s called direct current stimulation in nerd-speak. It’s impulses, not electrical shocks.
Neuropriming is the application of decades of academic and field research, like thousands of hours, over 1,200 human subjects. Used by the US Military, sniper accuracy improves 50% using neurotechnology.
Imagine what it could do for your three point shot.
The Applications

(Source: pandawhale.com)
The current applications for this science include military and professional athletes, but now you can also use it.
The team at Halo plans to extend this into medical applications as well. In rehabilitation situations, like post-stroke victims, where patients must toil for weeks to relearn basic movements, Halo could cut down on a ton of learning time.
We don’t know how much because they are just entering this field. It stands to reason they should expect favorable results.
For the casual user, picking up new sports may no longer mean endless hours of struggles to finally achieve a level of playing worth your time.
This is the closest thing we have to direct Kung Fu brain downloads.
The Device

(Source: arstechnica.com)
The form factor is overhead studio cans, with the addition of the primers. There are three foam primers, which snap into place inside the headphones during a training session.
In case you were wondering, we were too, yes they are real headphones. They work just like a normal pair, bolting on audio cues for training sessions. Although we haven’t tested them ourselves, users swear they stay in place.
They will work with iOS or Android systems, but if you’re using the iPhone 7 or greater, you’ll need an adapter for the audio cable.
Sadly, they do not offer wireless music playback.

(Source: haloneuro.com)
The normal price is $750 for Halo, but they are selling them for $700 as of this writing.
It’s a steep price to pay, but if you have the drive to get better faster, there you’ll pay anything for that privilege. Understand this, we are officially hacking the human brain.
Learn more about or purchase Halo by navigating to the Halo site.