Body Hacks

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Perhaps one of the most desired things (at least physically) that people want is the abdominal “V” lines. Both men and women would love... How to Develop the “V’s”

Perhaps one of the most desired things (at least physically) that people want is the abdominal “V” lines. Both men and women would love to have these, but they don’t know how to go about it. Try these three tips out to sculpt those V’s.

1. Target the Lower Abs with Workouts



Since the “V” occurs by your lower abs/hips, doing exercises that target that area of your body the most are hugely helpful in developing the muscles. Things like leg raises, reverse crunches, ab V hold and more. In addition to these exercises, you should also be lifting weights and doing cardio to give your body a balanced and healthy look.

2. Don’t Underestimate Diet



As with any kind of weight loss or defining workout plan, what you eat (and how much of it) is a huge factor. In order to achieve the V’s, you need to be fairly slim, so eating a balanced diet with lower calories and sugar is a good idea. However, still make sure that you are eating enough to get enough necessary nutrients. Remember, most people have to cut a considerable amount of body fat to let these bad boys show, so if you are eating a ton of unhealthy food, you won’t be able to see the v.

3. Stick With It



These things won’t appear overnight. It will take around 8%-13% body fayt (depending on body type) for these to come out, and you can’t cut body fat in a day, and thus, getting in shape and getting the v is a process. But don’t be discouraged, hard work and dedication can take you a long way. But if you expect to eat clean and work out for a week or two and automatically be jacked, it won’t happen. These can sometimes take months (or longer) to materialize.