Making use of your waste can save you a great deal of money but when it comes down to food, how do you know what’s worth keeping? Your vegetable skins might be worth a whole lot more than you even thought and by holding on to them, you can make even more out of your time in the kitchen. When it comes to leaves and skins, it’s not all worth throwing out and by keeping these so-called waste items in your arsenal, you can enjoy a richer and healthier cooking experience!
- Outer Cabbage Leaves
Thought that you had to peel your way to the good stuff in a cabbage? Think again! While the outer leaves of a cabbage might have a more gnarled appearance, they can be put to equally good use as the rest of the vegetable. The darker outer leaves are typically richer in vitamins and minerals and by removing their thicker stems and chopping them finely, you can add them into dishes like stir fries, stews and salads to boost their healthy power. Just cook them for a little longer to soften them up and enjoy all the health benefits the leaves can throw your way!
- Kiwi Peel
We all know that the inner fruit of the kiwi is what it’s all about but did you know that the skin is edible, too? The outer peel of the kiwi might look like it’s destined for the garbage but in fact, it is loaded with a whole lot of healthy power. While a little tougher than the fruit inside, the kiwi skin is easily eaten and incredibly, can up your fiber intake by 3 times in one serving! All you need to do is wash the skin, eat the fruit like an apple and enjoy all of those healthy benefits!
- Beetroot Leaves
While beetroots themselves are a great source of protein, fiber, zinc and phosphorous, their leaves are packed with bucketloads more goodness. Not only serving up a hefty portion of antioxidants, the greens come loaded with nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6 and copper, all contributing to a better quality of health in the long run. Don’t be afraid to chop up those leaves, sautée them in a stir fry and enjoy all of the benefits they offer!