Body Hacks

Improve Your Body & Life

Seeing Clearly: 7 Foods To Improve Your Eyesight
How do you see the world? Your eyesight is one of the most precious assets you have, helping you to understand different signals, make sense of your environment and interact with those around you. While you might have already been blessed with perfect eyesight, there are a number of... Read more
Dealing With Dark Circles? Here’s What To Do
Been feeling more tired than usual lately? It might be showing up on your face. Dark circles are one of the worst side effects of sleep deprivation and if you fail to get enough shut eye, they can only get worse. What do you do, then, if you simply... Read more
How To Keep Your Vision Healthy After Using A Computer
How long do you spend in front of a screen during the day? Spending prolonged periods of time in front of a computer might be part and parcel of your working life but doing so without a break can have a seriously damaging effect on your eyesight. Your vision... Read more
How To Train Your Eyes To Better Health
Your eyes are the window into your soul and how you see the world around you can have a huge effect on the way you understand your direct environment. With the rise of technology and the ever-growing presence of electronic screens, the health of our eyes has begun to... Read more